When is it going to stop... Raining

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Well its still chucking it down so glad i went out yesterday , FIL normally comes for sunday dinner and hes rang up to say hes not coming out and not to take it up .
Looking at the forecast for tomorrow i will be asking someone for a lift to work as the car is in the garage for MOT repairs and its given out even worse than today


Slippery scientist
I’ve just received a Severe warning for rain, defined as “significant threat to life and property”, for 05:00 tomorrow morning (23 September).



Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Cynthia Spencer charity ride (in aid of a local hospice) in Hamtun was cancelled today..


Leg End Member
Or has axl rose been singing about november again ?
If he has, tell him he's early.
Wee bit wet here after a decent amount of time with dry weather. Cumbria is back on track just the rain is a bit too light for this time of year. We've only had a few small floods round here and some of them was from the high tides we have had.

I am starting to suspect the south and midlands have stolen our rain. I am not calling the police on them as they are welcome to it. It is just strange that we are nearly at the end of September and I have no idea where my waterproof trousers are to get me from the carpark into the office at work. Seriously, you can get absolutely drenched from car to door at work normally but of late it has not been an issue.

It seems climate change is giving other parts of England our weather. Perhaps a few more years of this the SE england will no longer have water shortages but we in Cumbria will!! In that case there could be an act of terrorism on the water pipe to Manchester. I have never been happy letting them have our water!! ;) :laugh:
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