When is it going to stop... Raining

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Oh, lucky you!
Here in Glasgow the weekend was cold with the odd shower.
Today was milder, but with more persistent rain.
Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!
We have been incredibly lucky!

We drove up on Friday in sunshine, though there was a cold northerly wind.

Saturday still had the cold wind but it stayed dry. We visited relatives then walked the dog on the beach at sunset.

Sunday was great - I cycled to Castle Stalker with my niece on an excellent cycle path. You can see the castle in my photo above.

Yesterday was supposed to be very wet but it wasn't - we had some light mist and drizzle at noon when we set off to join relatives for a stroll up the local 'mountain' (Ben Lora - more of a big hill) but that soon eased off to cool, overcast conditions which stayed all day.

So far the only heavy rain has been in the middle of the night...

We are here until Friday. I hate to make you all jealous, but this is the forecast...


How's that for luck!!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Today's rain report: STILL MISSING!! :sun:

Loch Etive from descent off Gleann Salach...

Loch Etive.jpeg
36h (and counting) of dry sky here in Oxon. Sunny-but-blimmin-chilly this morning.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY the floodwaters have subsided enough to use my "normal" route. Woo-hoo!
(and I managed to mow the lawn last night. First time in at least 2months - either it's been raining, or I've been out/away on the bike 🤷‍♂️ :P )

The local motons* really hate cyclists on my flood-dodging route. Odd, because we end up on the same road further along anyway!

(*Of course it's really only the cockwomble minority that are the problem.)

Lone Wolf

Über Member
Thank you. I hadn't heard about that.

It hasn't been raining non-stop since Sunday here (South Wales). In fact it is not raining now.

I’m in South Wales as well. What do you think has happened to stop the perma-rain ? Virgins sacrificed to the weather Gods ?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Final part of 'ColinJ dodges rain in the Highlands'...

No rain again on Thursday! Now there was a cold northerly wind, but we had sunshine in the morning when we drove to Oban to visit relatives. Later on, sunny intervals when I went on a 2¼ hour bike ride. I climbed over Gleann Salach again, but this time the harder way, from Loch Etive. I forgot to take any photos - just make do with the photo that I took up there on Tuesday!

Back to Yorkshire Friday after an unexpectedly sunny week up in Scotland. And guess what...? Yes, sun is forecast there for the weekend!


Yesterdays rain was something else.
In all the years I've worked outdoors (and it's a lot) I've never seen so much rain as I did yesterday.
It had coming down heavy for a good 16 hrs ,but yesterday lunchtime it turned torrential for around 2 hours.
You could see the fields literally turn to flooded plains, gully covers popping and the local river flooding out.
I was half expecting to see, my new to me convertible car from suffering some water ingrees through its various roof joints but all was good thankfully
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