Is it just me ?

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Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
There are those close passes which make me question the wisdom of cycling but it is helpful, when processing these, to be able to report them from the bike cameras.

For example, one driver who tailgated me uphill, aggressively, was reported. She only got a warning letter but ever since, her driving around me has been absolutely exemplary, patient, wide passes, no risks taken at all (and I see her passing me most days).
There are those close passes which make me question the wisdom of cycling but it is helpful, when processing these, to be able to report them from the bike cameras.

For example, one driver who tailgated me uphill, aggressively, was reported. She only got a warning letter but ever since, her driving around me has been absolutely exemplary, patient, wide passes, no risks taken at all (and I see her passing me most days).

If the warning served a purpose than it is was worth it. I just wonder sometimes if people realise how close they are to you when they pass ? As almost all cars are larger, wider and higher perhaps some can`t judge as well ? By the same token, the higher from the ground you are, the less awareness of speed there seems. At least that is my theory. Cycling should be enjoyable as any sport. I used to do a lot of road running back in the 80`s and 90`s. I would`nt do it now, even if I could, far too dangerous.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
If the warning served a purpose than it is was worth it. I just wonder sometimes if people realise how close they are to you when they pass ? As almost all cars are larger, wider and higher perhaps some can`t judge as well ? By the same token, the higher from the ground you are, the less awareness of speed there seems. At least that is my theory. Cycling should be enjoyable as any sport. I used to do a lot of road running back in the 80`s and 90`s. I would`nt do it now, even if I could, far too dangerous.

Plenty of people just need a reminder/warning... the worst closest nastiest passes have been sent a notice of intended prosecution, but I quite agree the average "bit close there mate" usually just needs a polite word from the rozzers.


Me too, but if an activity is no longer enjoyable and I have no control over other people then I had to stop doing it. I do have other options, like drive the bike to a cycle trail but it's just not practical. Generally I've also stopped going out to pubs in the city for similar reasons; people just have no manners or decorum so I'd prefer to go out for a meal during the day to an out of city country pub where I'm less likely to encounter wastes of skin

Why let them win?
Lifes too short to let something, that's inevitible anyway, to curtail your enjoyment of something.
Especially when it can be very good for your mental and physical wellbeing.
I'm 61 soon and i can't say I'm totally relaxed while cycling, but that's probably why I haven't been run over and killed. I apply the same survival instincts as i did when i had motorcycles and it's worked so far. Touch wood.
Get out there and re-build your confidence, don't let them win.

I also, don't go to pubs, doesn't stop me cycling when i can.
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