When is it going to stop... Raining

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
A friend and I almost cancelled a trip to Meathop (near Grange-over-Sands) because of the poor weather but forecasts improved just in time. We went last Wednesday and just came back. We were actually very lucky except for Thursday, which was horrid until 4 pm, but sunny after that. It was cool and windy when we left this morning though and rain was forecast later. We had some very nice conditions for our stay.

G.O.S gets better weather than us as it is out of the SW wind 'rain shadow'.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
Might just be a Scottish thing though. :okay:

Nah. I originate from north west of England. I live in shorts from May till early November.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
@Brandane the rain started back with a vengeance!
But I had a good annual leave last week, there were at least 4 good days, 2 even with sunshine ^_^

By "good days", is that a comparison to our usual weather, in that you mean it didn't rain? 🤔
Because even on the occasional dry days it has been grey and windy! The sunshine has been in very short supply. And no sustained good spells.


N Ireland
@Brandane the rain started back with a vengeance!
But I had a good annual leave last week, there were at least 4 good days, 2 even with sunshine ^_^

Same here. I had taken all last week off as a friend bought a new campervan and lent it to us for 5 days. Even managed an overnight bike trip the day afterwards too with great weather on both legs. This weak however would've been a different story.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Our weather tonight (already started) rain and very high wind speeds:



Puzzle game procrastinator!
Down below 18 degrees again in the house today... Thermals back on!

I have a holiday in Scotland coming up in 5 weeks time and I am wondering how much cycling I will want to do there if the weather is as bad as I fear that it might be...


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Down below 18 degrees again in the house today... Thermals back on!

I have a holiday in Scotland coming up in 5 weeks time and I am wondering how much cycling I will want to do there if the weather is as bad as I fear that it might be...

Sorry for laughing, @ColinJ ; but Scotland at the end of September? You might get lucky, but the odds are stacked against you.
I can safely say that this is the worst spell of weather I can remember. And by spell of weather, I mean the last 12 months. Winter was a series of stormy weather, causing me to look forward to some improvement in spring and summer. We had a good week in May IIRC, and my hopes were up. Since then? I don't think we have had a period of 2 days without some significant rain. Windy too. It really has been the most disappointing summer ever, and we are not known for particularly good summers at the best of times! We are now rapidly running out of time for any real prospect of summer weather. Looks like straight back into another winter. Cycling miles are negligible this year, and even the motorbike sits neglected. I can handle bad weather if there is a glimmer of hope that it might improve, but this year has dented my natural optimism (:laugh:) somewhat - as I sit here with the rain battering against the windows and the gas fire lit, AGAIN.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Sorry for laughing, @ColinJ ; but Scotland at the end of September? You might get lucky, but the odds are stacked against you.
I think my 3+ rides a week of 30+ minutes for that challenge might end up being just the 3 short rides! I had better take my wet weather gear...

It really has been the most disappointing summer ever, and we are not known for particularly good summers at the best of times! We are now rapidly running out of time for any real prospect of summer weather.
I did experience one awful summer there as a small child on our annual 6 week stay with our Scottish family. Usually we had a mixture of everything but that year it poured all day every day!

We had one fabulous summer where we had no rain at all, just blue skies and hot hot hot!
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