Awoke knackered, anxious and depressed for both legit and more intangible reasons.
Out the door in reasonable time wearing all the waterproof gear on account of the high chance of rain forecast, although it didn't appear as apocalyptically grim as yesterday.
After enduring various car-self-gratification artists and several minutes resetting the obstinate HRM I was on the bike; fearful of what horrors I may be subjected to in the coming miles - courtesy of both the weather and the bike (relevant thread will be updated in crushing detail in due course)..
As it happens I was pleasantly surprised - the bike behaved itself almost entirely, the rain held off and it was warm enough to end the journey with bare hands, no coat and rolled-up sleeves.
Sadly a few knobheads were encountered - the worst being an oblivious woman on the tow path immersed in her phone, leaving her small dog to run free and very nearly get run over. When she noticed she was profusely apologetic, but then went straight back to her phone and made zero effort to control her animal; leaving me to negotiate my way past it without crushing its little skull as it weaved all over the path...
Negative experiences were more than countered however by the star of today's commute - a woman on a bike with her kid on the back absolutely smashing it into town infront of me, complete with rock and roll soundtrack eminating from a tinny speaker. The absurdity of it put a smile on my face for most of the journey, as it did for many of those she passed
A much nicer ride than yesterday and despite initially being a source of anxiety and resentment, not only were my fears proven unfounded but once more the journey in has done a fantastic job of boosting my mood. I can't imagine my initially sketchy outlook would have gone the same way had I spent the journey sat in traffic instead...