Tales from today's commute....

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Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
A fun ride in today, apart from a close pass which made me shout. I was riding down the A38 where the road width is restricted by central reservations when there was a toot from behind.

Looking around a cheery bunch of lads in a low loader Transit were having a laugh so I smiled & waved as I took primary just in case. They tooted a couple of times more and then passed me when it was safe to do so. Catching them up at the lights they were all laughing at the driver who was hiding his face, which gave me a good laugh too.

They must have clocked the Passpixi so I will check the rear camera for any antics.


Legendary Member
I usually do 10 miles, but that's less direct - I have 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, or 20 mile routes I take depending on the time available/weather etc.

That's a nice range of available routes. I've only got 2 sensible options everything else I do feels like a significant extension just because I want to ride further rather than 'just' a commute ride.


self serving virtue signaller
Survived intact and puncture free despite more cars than I've ever seen before (I must have filtered past about a hundred in all), two sets of temporary traffic lights, newly trimmed hedge clippings all over the road, road closure due to a sinkhole, newly (9 months ago) resurfaced road disintegrating into potholes, cold, dark, drizzle and a painful knee.

Much better than the driver would have been!


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
A stark contrast to yesterday's idyllic ride; thanks I suspect mostly to stupid people doing stupid things in celebration of the dense fog.

Detoured around a tailback at the crossroads south of the village; the back roads proving pretty clear but greasy with the front end of the car sliding about all over the place despite not really pushing it.

Got to Yarnton already a bit late; only to be stuck at the turnpike for the best part of half an hour thanks to more twattery on the A34. Some were driving over the grass in the middle of the dual carriageway to escape in the opposite direction, but I thought better of it with my slippery crap tyres in case I got stuck. Irritatingly I could have avoided this bit of road however traffic only accumulates here when the A34's really bad and that infrequently that I never bother to use the sat nav..

Out on the bike with the chain slipping periodically on the 13T sprocket; probably due to a combination of wear and overly hard wax on the freshly-fitted chain. Settled down later in the ride but no doubt a forshadowing of things to come and a reminder to get a spare set of sprockets in the bank.

Tow path was OK but cold; with more diversions through the park while highly visible blokes did important things that I didn't understand.

Up George street to be blocked by a dickhead in an artic, then again off Broad street by some bellend doing a three-point turn at a dead end with zero concern for those of us who had to wait for him to rectify the consequences of his stupidity..

Last night saw a significant detour to the shops / for the crack that nearly doubled the distance; tonight I think I just want to get home.


A stark contrast to yesterday's idyllic ride; thanks I suspect mostly to stupid people doing stupid things in celebration of the dense fog.

Detoured around a tailback at the crossroads south of the village; the back roads proving pretty clear but greasy with the front end of the car sliding about all over the place despite not really pushing it.

Got to Yarnton already a bit late; only to be stuck at the turnpike for the best part of half an hour thanks to more twattery on the A34. Some were driving over the grass in the middle of the dual carriageway to escape in the opposite direction, but I thought better of it with my slippery crap tyres in case I got stuck. Irritatingly I could have avoided this bit of road however traffic only accumulates here when the A34's really bad and that infrequently that I never bother to use the sat nav..

Out on the bike with the chain slipping periodically on the 13T sprocket; probably due to a combination of wear and overly hard wax on the freshly-fitted chain. Settled down later in the ride but no doubt a forshadowing of things to come and a reminder to get a spare set of sprockets in the bank.

Tow path was OK but cold; with more diversions through the park while highly visible blokes did important things that I didn't understand.

Up George street to be blocked by a dickhead in an artic, then again off Broad street by some bellend doing a three-point turn at a dead end with zero concern for those of us who had to wait for him to rectify the consequences of his stupidity..

Last night saw a significant detour to the shops / for the crack that nearly doubled the distance; tonight I think I just want to get home.

Went well then!
My bad this morning. My stomach has it stop valve removed (I forget the technical term) and when I got to a dual carriageway toucan at 7am the green ped light was about to go out and I was about to stop but then a ped walked into the crossing and I thought feic it, It'd be at least 2min stationary (the lights here are very traffic orientated) and I'd be in agony if I didn't get to the train & toilet, and shot out too. Annoyingly, the light on the far side must've been about to turn green for traffic and cue the loud horn on a completely empty road to wake folk up. I made it to the train and it was actually early (12mins early) but typically the WC was out of order. Thankfully my stomach settled down but annoyingly I'd RLJ (or Blackout jumped to be precise for nothing 😵‍💫

On the positive the older train I think is more bike friendly despite not having a bike space to dump luggage to block and isn't really sat in or stood in.

took car into day looked at a new route after yesterday just wondered if anyone had any suggestions for a route from Eltham looked at avioding residential roads with bus routes running through them got as far as Welling but all ends in upper wickham lane something going forward want to avoid.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
took car into day looked at a new route after yesterday just wondered if anyone had any suggestions for a route from Eltham looked at avioding residential roads with bus routes running through them got as far as Welling but all ends in upper wickham lane something going forward want to avoid.

Eltham to where?
Eltham to where?

abbey wood looked via plumstead


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
abbey wood looked via plumstead

Blimey, yes, youre right in the middle of SE London badlands there. There's a lot of options but nothing that you would call easy and straight forward is there?
On riding home I use the A206 then the A209 Whickham Lane from Plumstead to Oakhampton Crescent then Long Lane. But that doesn't help you much really.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Current commute is negotiating stairs on crutches - a challenge indeed. Looks like I'm off the bike for quite a few weeks. Working from home this week, and will try and 'drive' (oh save my soul) into work next week as I've a physio session booked. Going to cost (for sessions), but I need fixing and the NHS won't do it. Fortunately, the physio sessions are discounted for staff, and it's just a floor down from my desk.


Round trip commute this morning on the MTB/Dadmobile, toddler on the back and eldest on his new bike (with gears!)

Eldest really needs to listen more, we use very quiet roads but he ended up halfway out of a junction twice without looking, I do wonder if the reach on his brakes is a bit much as he's still only 5 and it's a 20 inch bike. He did well otherwise though and seems to be getting the hang of his gears.

Youngest loves being on the bike, and started saying "no no no" as soon as we stopped to get him out - I think he'd prefer a day cycling round the sights than playing with his little mates!


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
A (relatively) quick but tainted ride in earlier thanks to getting cut up, and subsequently abused by a dickhead in a van whilst in the car.

Hopefully to the driver's detriment it was well-livered with the details of a large national franchise, so they've had a polite email requesting that the review any dash cam footage of the incident. They have a crap rep though, so I'm half expecting a similar level of twattery in response to said email..

On the up-side it was a good morning for female joggers and cyclists (there seemed more about than blokes; although perhaps I just apy more attention to the ladies) and I got a few smiles despite wearing the dickhead hat :smile:
Blimey, yes, youre right in the middle of SE London badlands there. There's a lot of options but nothing that you would call easy and straight forward is there?
On riding home I use the A206 then the A209 Whickham Lane from Plumstead to Oakhampton Crescent then Long Lane. But that doesn't help you much really.

Currently going down upper wickham lane its where I am getting grief from the buses overtaking in dangerous places further down just after the wickes down there.
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