Tales from today's commute....

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I woke up to the rain battering the windows. Nice and dark too. Great. Not.
Got up and did the usual stuff. Settled down with a cuppa and checked the rain radar. It would clear in half an hour. And the app proved to be right. Left home to clearing skies and by the time I had got to work it's blue skies and sun. Not too cold either.

The commute was soured by two complete and utter knobheads who decided to change lanes without looking. One of them meaning I had to slam on the brakes. The other I could sense they were going to do it. Arses.


So I had a slightly damp ride home last night, thankfully the rain had stopped by the time I left, so it was just some light spray from the wet roads / paths. Navigated through the flooded subway tunnel, which fortunately my overshoes managed to fend off most of the water. Still not in shape from having some long lasting flu, so I listened to some advice about riding to my heartrate rather than trying to maintain a speed, which helped me out.

The ride in this morning was slightly different. Still dry enough to only need overshoes on the way in to work, but as I was leaving I thought I'd give my tires a little squeeze only to notice the rear was 1/2 pressure. Didn't notice anything obvious so pumped up to my preferred pressure and decided to do the short route in. Traffic was good, some nicely timed traffic lights meant I kept my momentum and no idiots encountered. Then with about 5-10mins left I felt that wobble of a flat, so walked the bike for the last bit.

So depending on the weather, I'll either fix it and ride home tonight (brought my full wet weather gear in) or I might chicken out and get the bus.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
On half shift today due to mini ck 2 having an after school thing and workmen around and as i have spare holidays time to use i dont start till 8.20 pm till 11.40 pm so it just made it easier what with waiting in and doing the dad taxi .
I will be in the car as i cant be bothered to do the whole commute thing for just 3 and a half hours work so it will be a short week for me with only 3 days commuting.
The last 2 days i have had close passes as people overtook into the face of oncoming traffic causing the vehicle the other side to stop and me to swerve to avoid being hit .


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
We had a few huge cloudburst whilst I was at work to day with intermittent showers throughout the day.
Once again I was lucky with the weather for the ride home with it being dry. Only spoilt by the amount of standing water on the roads.
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Wet. The perfect day to go for a detour to pick up a 30 litre sack of cat litter!

Grr at fancy shops with dedicated car park and a single wire wheelbender screwed to tbe wall.

But a good test of the ebike kit on a heavy load, climbed like the load wasn't there (but ate an extra bar of power)
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