Tales from today's commute....

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self serving virtue signaller
There's a mini roundabout with restricted visibilty coming up to it on my route.

Couple of days ago had a 4x4 try to overtake me about 50m before - I signalled right which prompted a verbal exchange as presumably he thought I should just stop and let him overtake in a dangerous position.

Today, same place, I hear a motorist behind, signal again, only to find my hand about an inch off his wing mirror as he attempted an overtake.

We stopped, and a piece of my mind was given, alas in an expletive flooded rant as the adrenaline coursed.

farking motorist scumbags.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Same is going on up here on the Fallowfield Loop, as I found out last week. I'm now only using a mile of it in the morning, and now avoid the lot in the early evening.

There are about 3 or 4 guys doing this on the B2B, saw one of them in Castle Park last Saturday sat on his machine, hood up, ninja style mask. These aren't really ebikes, they're more like emotorbikes.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
There are about 3 or 4 guys doing this on the B2B, saw one of them in Castle Park last Saturday sat on his machine, hood up, ninja style mask. These aren't really ebikes, they're more like emotorbikes.

We have a big problem with them. I had four of them nearly crash into me a couple of months ago as they came speeding round a corner, balaclavas. Also scooters, no reg, same clothing.
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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Back on the bike today
Last night turned out to be a false alarm , the weather was fine and no floods which does surprise me as normally the roads are bad when it rains and the forecast was different to what we had.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
This morning was overcast and sleep-deprived, but dry (at least in terms of water falling from the sky) and a welcome respite to four days trapped in the hateful prison of the village and my own head.

The car portion was delayed due to flooding at Yarnton; with traffic merging into the inside lane at one of the roundabouts due to flooding in the outside lane. Once maybe 15 cars back from the roundabout the outside lane was clear so (stupidly or otherwise) I drove through the flood at a slow, steady pace to avoid a bow wave and got away with it.

Onto the bike and once more past the static traffic; feeling better already to have removed myself from that vile situation. The canal was noticeably high with water running over the top of the Duke's lock / onto the path and back into the canal on the other side. Maybe half an inch of flooding on the path further into town, but it was no big deal.



Thanks to the traffic no time for sausages or the more pleasant river route, so it was through town and up the Cowley road to get to work just on time.
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self serving virtue signaller
There's a mini roundabout with restricted visibilty coming up to it on my route.

Couple of days ago had a 4x4 try to overtake me about 50m before - I signalled right which prompted a verbal exchange as presumably he thought I should just stop and let him overtake in a dangerous position.

Today, same place, I hear a motorist behind, signal again, only to find my hand about an inch off his wing mirror as he attempted an overtake.

We stopped, and a piece of my mind was given, alas in an expletive flooded rant as the adrenaline coursed.

farking motorist scumbags.

Here's where the overtakes were. What looks like a T junction is in fact a 4 way mini roundabout. What idiot would attempt an overtake here?


captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
We have a big problem with them. I had four of them nearly crash into me a couple of months ago as they came speeding round a corner, balaclavas. Also scooters, no reg, same clothing.

I was on my way home up the B2B path one evening, heard an increasingly loud 'zeeeeeeeeee' coming up behind, twit on one of those machines shot past, I reckon probably doing about 40mph...uphill. Plus there are guys out on those large top-of-the-range escooters, ones capable of doing 50mph.


N Ireland
I don't get many opportunities to commute any longer due to WFH mostly but needed to do a visit today. My bike was already in the car from a weekend overnight cycle trip with a group of mates so after dropping the kids off to school, I drove another few miles, stopped at the top of a big hill and cycled the remaining 7 miles into work, changed and cycled another 4 miles to the visit and another 4 back. I stopped off at Halfords on the way past and got a pair of shimano SPD-SL shoes for £14.40 in the clearance.


Über Member
60% chance of rain both ways today so tested out my new waterproof overtrousers. Well I didn't rain either way but I was impressed with the breathability, certainly only the case on the ebike though.
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