Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Interesting commute yesterday, I had to go straight to a meeting after work so needed to take lots of stuff, so rapidly had to put a pannier rack on the ebike.

Anyway got to use the bike parking facilities at the townhall properly and they are very nice, decent showers, lockers (which I dont have access too) plenty of racks, work station and decent security. Seems well used and actually recognised a few bikes in there.

Rode home from the meeting in shiny shoes.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Interesting commute yesterday, I had to go straight to a meeting after work so needed to take lots of stuff, so rapidly had to put a pannier rack on the ebike.

Anyway got to use the bike parking facilities at the townhall properly and they are very nice, decent showers, lockers (which I dont have access too) plenty of racks, work station and decent security. Seems well used and actually recognised a few bikes in there.

Rode home from the meeting in shiny shoes.

Get to use a disabled loo and baby wipes at the Uni. Stuff goes in a drying cabinet, but the runner that dries his towel and gear certainly hasn't washed his gear in a bit.... xx(
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