Tales from today's commute....

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Just got home
2 punctures on the way home so changing tubes by street light , on the second one i lost a tyre lever which i tried to find by bike light but i couldn't see it and even though i checked to ensure the tyre was seated right there was a bumping sound as i rode home but couldn't see anything in the dark so i will have to check in the daylight .
Hands and feet got cold with the messing about so im thoroughly peed off as i have to be up in 5 hours to take mini ck 1 to doctors appointment


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Not the tyre leaver is it ? 😄

i had thought that , i will honestly go check in a bit .
Got up early for hospital appointment that mrs ck had been going on about and its next month so im now bloody knackered and need to sort my bike out plus got home and the kitchen sink had been leaking from the pipework so their all in a flap , had a look and its push fit so someone must have knocked it " oh no we havent " :banghead:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Much colder this morning here in the SE. Was 8° when I wheeled the bike out of the garage. It's only 9° now. But the blue sky sunshine on all black clothing soon warms a body up.
Traffic completely metal again this morning, snarled up everywhere.
I was also irritated by a complete sap of a cyclist riding a green Surly. Jumping all the lights, plonking himself in the middle of junctions so cars had to swerve round him and me having to over take him all the time. Knob.
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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Much colder this morning here in the SE. Was 8° when I wheeled the bike out of the garage. It's only 9° now. But the blue sky sunshine on all back clothing soon warms a body up.
Traffic completely metal again this morning, snarled up everywhere.
I was also irritated by a complete sap of a cyclist riding a green Surly. Jumping all the lights, plonking himself in the middle of junctions so cars had to swerve round him and me having to over take him all the time. Knob.

forecast is 3-4 for my return commute tonight , going to dig out the toe covers . 3rd coffee with some choccie raisins to give me a boost before i go sort stuff out .I feel rubbish today from lack of sleep .


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Its in the tyre ! , cant understand how it got in there but at least i found it .The 1st flat tyre did not even have a puncture but it does have the removable core so i can only guess it must have been leaking .The second one did have a pin hole so that has been fixed .

Ooops....Welcome to the club mate... :laugh:
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