Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Anyone work out why the milk float beeped me?

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/6u7AvcGv9nE?si=OnUfyiIaIzuSfjoh


Über Member
SW Leeds
Who knows?
It could be why did you not give way to them, because they're of that certain class of social media brainwashed road user who believe cycles should give way to anything else, or not be there to start with.
Maybe it was they (wrongly) thought you shouldn't be in the bus lane; "bus lanes for buses innit!"
Possibly they thought they knew you.
It could even be a thumbs up well done for commuting on a bike in the rain!
(in decreasing order of likelihood)

I've given up trying to assume what beeps mean, since the time a driver beeped me and I glared at them assuming the top one above but they were trying to let me know that the jacket that I'd folded up and bungeed to my rack was falling off and getting tangled in my rear wheel!
For future reference, jackets and disc brakes don't mix! :laugh:


Über Member
looks like he was trying to pull out on you even though you had right of way as the bus lane ends just past the overtake point ?
The lane that is the bus lane and the one he is in are two separate lanes the whole way down and for at least another 600m from the end of my video. The bus lanes stops at side roads to allow other traffic to turn into them.

Can't even be sure it was you they were beeping.

A single short beep like that tends to be more of a "hello" thing than a "you've done something wrong" thing, which will usually be longer or multiple beeps.
There was noone behind me for quite a while and I cannot see why he would be beeping at someone in the opposite direction.

It could be anything I suppose but I am not one to look for conflict so its quite rare.


Über Member
Maybe it's forbidden to ride over a bus lane?
Here (BE) there are lanes with both bus and bicycle markings, and lanes with just bus, where even a bicycle is not allowed.
There has been a time that everything was allowed.
Then no trucks anymore.
Then no cars anymore.
Now not bicycles anymore.
Streets reserved for State transportation.
There are city center streets where even a bicycle is not allowed, first one some 5 years ago, started as only during an annual 2 weeks party, then they made it permanent.
It's how the new normal becomes the normal.
But this is UK, left side of the road, here it's the right side, so maybe I overlooked something.


South Wales
Maybe it's forbidden to ride over a bus lane?
Here (BE) there are lanes with both bus and bicycle markings, and lanes with just bus, where even a bicycle is not allowed.
There has been a time that everything was allowed.
Then no trucks anymore.
Then no cars anymore.
Now not bicycles anymore.
Streets reserved for State transportation.
There are city center streets where even a bicycle is not allowed, first one some 5 years ago, started as only during an annual 2 weeks party, then they made it permanent.
It's how the new normal becomes the normal.
But this is UK, left side of the road, here it's the right side, so maybe I overlooked something.

The standard here in the UK is that bus lanes are also for cycles, and usually also taxis.

It is possible there are some which are only for buses, but I'm not aware of any.
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
The standard here in the UK is that bus lanes are also for cycles, and usually also taxis.

It is possible there are some which are only for buses, but I'm not aware of any.

There used to be one in Catford in SE London on my commute, but so many cyclists used it as it avoided a gyratory that they changed it so that cyclists could use it also.
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Über Member
Not sure if I have posted a pic of the electric bike.


There used to be one in Catford in SE London on my commute, but so many cyclists used it as it avoided a gyratory that they changed it so that cyclists could use it also.
This bus lane is open to cyclists, so much so that it's included as cycling infrastructure on the Bee Network Map.

It's actually the busiest cycling route in Stockport despite having nothing other than the bus lanes going north and a peak hours only painted cycle Lane going south.
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