Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Normal morning in London. Bike boxes (Advanced Stop Line) were filled with mopeds deliverooing damps bags of soggy McFries etc.

This morning one of them was actively playing chess on their handlebar-mounted phone. I have sent videos to the Metropolitan Police Service of other uber-important motorcyclists watching "exotic video streaming services" on their phones while in bike boxes and riding along. Never heard back from them.

Am I doing it wrong? Are they just too busy, or do they just send out notices/ fines without needing to contact the uploader, or are some of the mopeds' registration plates not real and therefore untraceable? It just stikes me that a very large amount of mopeds, most of whom have an incentive to cut corners to deliver, say, crushed, overpriced Gails croissants, actively interacting with their phones while driving is not a good idea for public (or their) safety.

Can anyone point me to any organised effort to counter this, or better instructions on how to upload?
Flew into work this morning looking a like it was going to be fastest time of the week, prick driving the bus on the last section of road had other ideas. After a long drawn out battle I stopped to complement him on his driving, I wont repeat what I said to him here but there were a lot of four letter words in my conversation with him. Looking forward to the nice slog home and lovely head wind thats waiting for me (everyday this week so far lucky me).
Normal morning in London. Bike boxes (Advanced Stop Line) were filled with mopeds deliverooing damps bags of soggy McFries etc.

This morning one of them was actively playing chess on their handlebar-mounted phone. I have sent videos to the Metropolitan Police Service of other uber-important motorcyclists watching "exotic video streaming services" on their phones while in bike boxes and riding along. Never heard back from them.

Am I doing it wrong? Are they just too busy, or do they just send out notices/ fines without needing to contact the uploader, or are some of the mopeds' registration plates not real and therefore untraceable? It just stikes me that a very large amount of mopeds, most of whom have an incentive to cut corners to deliver, say, crushed, overpriced Gails croissants, actively interacting with their phones while driving is not a good idea for public (or their) safety.

Can anyone point me to any organised effort to counter this, or better instructions on how to upload?

I am no expert but I would suggest video it and email it to the company and tell them you are going to be upping it to youtube, I am sure they would like everyone to know what their delviery drivers are up to and how much they are putting the general public at risk


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Threatened heavy rain this morning and looked like it was on its way when I left for work. It was spitting as I rolled the bike out of the garage. And that's all it did on the ride in, just spit. Not even enough to get wet. Still very mild though. I did put on a lightweight waterproof. Absolutely no need. Just boiled in the bag but couldn't be arsed to stop and take it off.
Haven't had a rainy commute in London since 7th July.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Bit wild oop North, windy. MrsF got up and came outside suggesting I take the car if it was bad. I was locking the garage, bike loaded and ready to go. Was actually mild, but a rather windy southerly. It tried to rain, but nothing came of it until I was opening the bike shelter.

The strap on my Planet X rear 'dogstar' has finally started to give up the ghost, so I'll grab a spare fixing.


Very windy, but tailwind combined with a long tow from a lorry gave me a very fast ride. The reduced friction from all the drizzle around must of helped too. Fun.

Last night somewhat spoiled by a BMW positioned to drive straight on at a roadworks junctions suddenly swinging left across my nose. He (of course) did notice and corrected, and I'd reacted fast enough to avoid anyway. Indicators are there for a reason!


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Back to commuting this weeks after 8 weeks off work following my operation then shutdown.
I have definety put weight on even though i have been riding as the biccie tin was close at hand so i am having to be good now to start burning off the flab .
On early shift this week so out the door around 4.20 am and it was a shock how dark it is again as before i was only having to use see me lights and now i need full beam along the back lanes .The cycle path is still overgrown and will not improve till the grass and brambles die back so i can ride easily on it , got a nice cut from a thorn on my finger through gloves that i didnt see in the dark.
Another bonus this week is the work on the bridge /flyover i go underneath means the dual carriage way is down to one lane with all sorts of machinery in the cordoned off piece that i must work around as the bridge looks like it is being repaired above the cyclepath .
This morning is was pretty windy with 40 mpg gusts forecast so i had to be careful going past field gates as the gusts could be a bit dodgy if the wind was in the right direction.

Wow ! how i miss commuting :smile:


Devotee of OCD
Must say, you've got to watch these new fangled e-bikes. Getting sneaky some of them, especially Ribble and a few others. Closing in on a road bike this morning, pulled up behind it at traffic lights. Lady on a road bike, with 'trainers' and the flat SPD style pedals. Kept behind so I had room to pull round her in the traffic. Lights changed, car in-front went so I moved right, but she was accelerating much quicker than I expected. I only then noticed the bigger rear hub as I passed (doing over 20 mph now) the down tube wasn't noticeably bigger than the standard road bikes. Sneaky..

Then noticed a Norco hybrid in the bike stand - again difficult to tell other than the hub and a 'button' on the top tube.

I was working by some cycle sheds yesterday in a factory. 8 bikes there. 6 of which were Electric ! 😳

Some of those very slick / discreet…..


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
It was blowing a hoolie at 7am this morning. Very strong winds and rain. Apps said it would start to clear at 7.30am so I waited a little bit and it did seem to start buggering off. I rolled out of the garage to drizzle. Didn't bother putting a waterproof on as it was too warm. For the first 20 minutes of the ride it was raining, not overly heavy but wet nevertheless.
The last 40 minutes the rain cleared off to leave clouds and blue skies with bouts of very warm sunshine. By the time I had got to work the lycra have near enough dried out. Looking dry for this afternoons ride home.
Saturday down here in the South East is look very grim, but that passes to leave nice weather for the following days and all of next weeK, with temps back up to the mid/high 20's.

So, rainy commute # 27 for the year
Same period last year, 29 rainy commutes.
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Über Member
I was supposed to be on Annual Leave today but had to cancel to come into the office. I headed in late to miss the rain and left the house to sunny skies, by the time I got to the bottom of the road it was raining.

Cleared up again 15 mins in and quite enjoyed the post 9am ride in. I am going to head home at 3 so hopefully it stays nice, on the ebike to wind is just noise!
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