Tales from today's commute....

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I have got a (very cheap) Carrera Subway e 2.0

I used to have a Subway. In fact two. One got nicked from the train station two weeks after I had bought it. The other one I rode for a year then gave to my brother. Great bikes.


Über Member
I used to have a Subway. In fact two. One got nicked from the train station two weeks after I had bought it. The other one I rode for a year then gave to my brother. Great bikes.

I know Halfords get alot of flack for good reason, but compared to the direct chinese import ebikes that would have been in my pricerange this is miles ahead.

Plus this is fully legal
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Managed a morning 'faux commute' today. I pulled on the cycling kit (new DHB long sleeve thermal jersey is nice) and I set out on the Wilier road bike.

The Wilier is a 2013 Montegreppa (alu); meant to be an endurance road bike but I'm not sure I really like it. Despite being fractionally lighter than the CGR Ti is currently, it's nowhere near as responsive if you try and power up a climb. I find the cockpit reach cramped and low. Needs some more stack height for sure before it could really be considered an endurance bike.

A driver on the footway decided to choose the moment I was cycling past them to pull away onto the road. I shouted 'woah' the moment I saw the off-side front wheel start to rotate forwards and turn towards me. The motion stopped, but the moton shouted 'woah' back mockingly. A hundred or so metres later, the moton passed me - crossing a double solid white line to do so - and shouted 'woah' again, mockingly.

A bit further down the road they slowed down to almost a stop in order to make a tight right turn - why bother overtaking at all? An unnecessary short-cut through a village.

Needless to say, the driver has been reported for three offences - driving on a footway other than to access premises via a dropped kerb; inconsiderate driving and failing to comply with a road marking. I really hope the police request the footage and take it seriously as there could be some totting up of points there - which the driver's attitude frankly deserves. I sustained a broken elbow in a not dissimilar incident and this could have been a repeat of that, had I not shouted.

I am disappointed in myself though for not noticing the situation I was cycling into sooner. Watching back the video, as I approach, the brake lights come on and then the vehicle's right-hand indicator. I did not notice that whilst I was riding. I think I was looking past the vehicle at that point though as there was no illumination on the back of the vehicle initially and I had closed to just a few meters away. I was probably looking toward the junctions on either side of the road further ahead. Or, I could have been distracted thinking about how comfortable (or not) I was finding the bike as it wasn't long after I joined the main road after a warm up lap of the estate.
Nice cycle into work yesterday and the usual headwind on the way home grr everyday this week. Got up this morning all the roads are wet, lucky its Friday and national work from home day. Still the cockwomble count out in full force doors swinging in the wind out on to the road, emergency stops when there is no need and the usual pull out from the buses without looking and close passes to finger salute in full force this morning. Sometimes think it miracle I get into work at all. Back out on the bike tomorrow first 48 miles in a long while :smile:


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
We arose with the 0645 alarm as usual but on getting downstairs it was actually 0720. Something had gone wrong, maybe a power cut. Still managed the usual ten mile route though.

Not much traffic about.

The Wales and West Utilities driver has been reported to police and employer. Didn't let it spoil the ride.

Bizarre when the little blue car passed with so much space.

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Just found out that this met with a notice of intended prosecution, which seems appropriate.
Monday again, woke up feeling a like bear with a sore heads. Over did it the weekend 50miles sat and 20 miles sunday legs felt okay just jumped on the bike slower than normal but got there some how. Camera shopping this weekend as numpty almost wiped me out traffc island to the right of me and pinch point coming up so held back deekhead decided the tiny gap was small enough and went for.it. 10 years ago I would have been in shock now just seems to be the norm.
Starting to feel like I should be sponsored by btwin. Took new (second hand) triban 3 into work, spent most the weekend on it. Hit personal best speed on it 15 miles per hour over 10miles. Usual idiots on the road just ignored them today. Decent trip in and a day off from cycling tomorrow (not looking forward to it).
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