Tales from today's commute....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
@wafter Did you forget your sausages ?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I've taken to making toast before leaving in the morning. It's a bit rubbery by the time it's cooled down at work, but saves the exploding porridge pots in my bag - makes a right mess. Must get organised and buy a job lot from the supermarket, down the road from work, to save transportation 'risks'.


How far can I go?
Rear mech decided to play silly buggers on my way into work today. Not sure of the issue without getting my bike on the stand
Luckily, I was closet work, so could walk the final 5 minutes. Taking the van home tonight and hopefully will be able to get it on the workstand to suss out the issue.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
No pub tonight and a direct route back for a change. After a tired, squiffy mental health day I looked forward to some respite on the bike - the ride beginning in fine style as I passed some people smoking crack in the doorway of the closed Temple Cowley Co-op; then a bit later I saw a seagull eating a pigeon.

Despite these examples of the unquestionable beauty of life, mood remained sub-optimal to the point where I shut the tunes off and rode with earplugs for some peace.. which did bring some welcome calm. Bumped into a mate on the tow path who basically does the same commute as me but in reverse; chatted for a bit and he mentioned how brambly the route is to his industrial estate, just off the cycle path.. I encouraged him to set about it but as I passed a bit later it looked manageable in the time I had remaining so I smashed the worst of it.

Of course thanks to my poor time management this made me slightly late to get home for the appointment I had, but it was no big deal and I feel so much better for a bit of decent human interaction, something altruistic and afterwards an impromptu session on the rings up the road :smile:


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Overcast and drizzling but it brought some welcome refreshment.

All routes were pretty quiet; clocked that I was being followed on the tow path by the rider's light some distance behind so kept my speed up and they showed not intention / ability to pass.

Saw a magpie having fox for breakfast.

Gave way to an MTB rider coming the other way as the path narrowed; with no acknowledgement on their part. I think it was the same *individual* who nearly had me in the canal coming round a blind bend some time ago - me having already clocked him before reaching the bend and ringing my bell; him smashing it round regardless in the middle of the path.. substantial bars consuming nearly all its width. Next time I won't be giving way.

Had a parcel to post before work so no stops to trim the few errant brambles that have become problematic over the past few days; so will do them on the way home. Made good progress thanks to the quiet route and tailwind; stopped for sausages and took the slightly shorter route up the Cowley rd in the interest of time.

Sailed past work, posted the parcel and made it back in good time despite there being a bit of a delay; should have taken the tow path after all.

A decent, mood-boosting way to start the day since I struggle with time management and it was novel not to make a b*llocks of something else..
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Lovely warm commute this morning. No sign of the rain that you norvern monkeys seem to have to contend with on a daily basis. :okay: Us Suvern softies have it nice more often then not.

Nearly got wiped out by an idiot on a Lime bike this morning. I was on a cycle track crossing a pedestrian bridge when out of nowhere from my right a Lime bike rider shot past at silly speed without even looking to see if anyone was coming. Luckily I always slow down at the spot because of this type of thing. I managed to slam on the anchors and we missed each other.. just. Very close call though. The Lime bike rider shouting out sorry as he zoomed off in the distance.
Did a lovely 10 km lunch time 'faux commute' yesterday.

The Trek was riding great after it's service. The hub was silent again - even in 4th gear where the selected pinion gear is twice reduced and thus has always been a little bit noisy.

And most notably, I had a BOC Gases driver be incredibly courteous and patient ... so I'm going to write a complimentary email to their employer when I get a minute.

An outing today looks doubtful - in fact with the dog not waking me up so early, I've been rather time crunched of late. But, on the bright side, I'm getting a reasonable number of hours sleep, which is probably better overall.


Returning home form a very pleasing day at my voluntary 'duties', following a 'well known' firm's van with a notice on the back door ref. speed limits etc.. At the bottom was the declaration 'We take safe driving seriously.'
Was much amused when the driver of said van cut up an artic. :wacko: The artic driver made his / her displeasure obvious by the strident sounding of his / her horn - ! :laugh:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Rear mech decided to play silly buggers on my way into work today. Not sure of the issue without getting my bike on the stand
Luckily, I was closet work, so could walk the final 5 minutes. Taking the van home tonight and hopefully will be able to get it on the workstand to suss out the issue.

Check the 'cable loop' at the rear mech - mine tends to crud up once every year.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Made it into work before the drizzle hit.

On the way home last night, encountered two blokes persistently jumping red lights. I kept catching them. Anyway, approaching one set passed both, lights turned red, I stopped just wide in the cycle lane which effectively forced the other two to stop for a change. Lights went green, so I decided to smoke both of them (one being a road bike). Similar happened this morning, guy on a road bike (avec full Rapha kit) sails through red, get's half way across, light change. Not having this, smoked him too ! ^_^


How far can I go?
Check the 'cable loop' at the rear mech - mine tends to crud up once every year.

No crud, that I'm sure of. The rear mech, hanger, and my shiftmate were all replaced a few weeks back due to an unfortunate accident. I've taken it apart, have a fresh cable and just need some time to get it on the stand. I should be able to do it tonight since my wife is home to put the little man to bed.


Über Member
Not posted on here for a while, its been pretty hectic so commutes and lesiure rides have taken a back seat. I was elected as a local councillor in May and one of the commitees I sit on looks at new cycling schemes.

Anyway I have been going into Manchester once or twice a week as needed but one issue is riding home and then having to go straight back out for other things. So I decided to get an ebike!
I have got a (very cheap) Carrera Subway e 2.0 ill do a post and this week have done one commute on that and one on my Boardman CX bike. Going to work its pretty much the same time, but coming home I shaved 15 mins off the journey. I go a much more convuluted way home and obviously more tired. 15 mins doesnt sound alot but it makes quite a big difference especially as I am ready to get going as soon as I am home.

Plans are to do a mix depending on evening plans etc but happy so far.
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