So...cycling home along the A21 this evening on way home. Doing a fair old lick. 20mph plus. I got close passed by a 4x4, scared the bleedin' life out of me. I threw my arm up and shouted, he put his arm out of the window and gave a fist or self-gratification artist sign, couldn't really see.
Next thing I know is sirens going off, then a police van behind, overtaking me and forcing him to pull over. They pulled into a side road and I followed. Cops got out and so did the driver, chavvy looking twat. Shouted at me to f*** off c***. I said to the cop I take it you saw what happened then? He said oh yes. Chavvy shouted at me, you were in the middle of the road you f******* c***. I shouted back, Admission of guilt right there. That got chavvy really angry.
Cop asked if I was OK? I said yeah, its not the first time, I'm a very experienced cyclist. I said I'm not bothered about charges just as long as you have a stern word with him and keep him here for a bit whilst I make my escape. Copper said, oh, this is going to take a while don't you worry. Take care on the way home.
I didn't go home my usual route but turned off the main road just in case he came looking after me.
I'd like to think chavvy had learned a lesson but methinks not. Those type of people just don't give a toss.
What a glorious result - both to see the babylon represented in a legit, positive light as well as seeing some gobby POS getting a dressing down.
Personally I'd have pressed charges against the clearly nasty, unrepentant scumbag; however I'm a vindictive prick..
Yeah, it as one of those where it is a very fine line between being trivial and being pretty nasty.
But I HAVE to be more careful. I've hit the deck far too often in the last few years. It doesn't matter if I'm 10 minutes late getting to the office, so long as I get there.
That's unfortunate; any idea why? I guess I'm lucky in that I've only had one relatively nasty off in 20yrs / 15-20k miles and that was (legally) the driver's fault... although it could have been avoided were I not asleep..
Last night the journey home took over 4hrs for largely good reasons. Moseyed aimlessly after work experiencing the full range of emotions from elation at being in such a nice environment to misery that I'm only ever visiting and still feel like I have no business being here.
Spent a lot of time trimming brambles which is starting to consume me; having now become highly attuned to their pointy protruberences and obligated to cut them back when able. Did a load on the river, then a veil of skinny danglers by the path to the Abingdon Rd by the boathouse.
Most passers-by were indifferent and not that I do it for any gratitude, but a hearty "good man" from a passing cyclist and a few knowing / appreciative smiles from some of the ladies did a lot to lift my mood.
Despite being consistantly knackered I rinsed a bloke on an ebike up St. Aldates, much to my petty amusement.
Eventually found myself at the park for a somewhat frustrating session on the rings thanks to fatigue and slippy, sweaty hands, treating myself to a tonic out on the terrace at the Vicky afterwards.
After this it was back to the car along the tow path, lopping back yet more brambles as the cool dusk and peace descended. I saw quite a lot of wildlife; passing a woman guarding a "frog" on the tow path (I didn't have the heart to tell her it was a toad) - she was trying to shepherd it away from danger from where it was quite resolutely sat on the path; probably soaking up the day's heat from the tarmac.
Also startled a barn owl and spotted a deer's arse poking out of the hedge.
All this doubled the distance home to around 16 miles and I felt a lot better afterwards; dreading the return to winter though when all this gets taken away..
This morning I awoke far too early again and was out the door in good time; if detached and not in a great mood. A bright morning but a tangible chill in the air gave a forboding warning of what's to come.
More trimming on the tow path as well as satisfaction from sailing along the relatively clear and tidy route knowing I've played a small part in making it that way.
Swans were present again although not problematic; I see varying amounts of parents / cygnets at any one time - I hope they're all OK.
Had to do the last part of the run through the city as I was late from the trimming; arriving just in time having hit 90% of max HR chasing a bloke on a road bike up the hill...