Ride It Like You Stole It!
- Location
- South Manchester
Just checked, guess who didn't put the oil radiator on this morning to dry my bike gear. Soggy ride home from work it is then ! 

Eventful commute to work nearly getting taken off the bike by a falling cyclist! Usually on the same stretch of the trail I get passed by an electric bike (moped style) can tell it's him with how bright the light is and whir of the motor when he gets closer. He hit a bad patch of mud/wet leaves and ended up laying his bike down on my back wheel. Needless to say my rear end went ten to the dozen (both rear ends 😂) managed to stay on through sheer luck and stopped to see if he was alright. No injuries and no damage to either bike luckily, he just laughed and apologized (Scottish it turns out!)
Definitely, my commutes taking 5-10 mins longer with taking it steady. There's a few sharp bends on the route I take which I could probably walk quicker than I'm riding at the minute 😂It's getting a bit dodgy on the shared path in places. It usually get's swept at some point, but it's been really wet, and probably not windy enough to clear the leaves off the trees as they are dropping slowly, then just mushing up as it's been so wet. We need some windy dry days.
Definitely, my commutes taking 5-10 mins longer with taking it steady. There's a few sharp bends on the route I take which I could probably walk quicker than I'm riding at the minute 😂
After a few trouble-free commutes it had to end at some point.
Left-hooked on the new Balm Road cycle lane in Leeds at the Midland Road junction by a right-turner. I saw them turning and managed to almost stop. They then drove off.
Then right-hooked a few minutes later by a large van turning left across the bus/cycle lane on the main road into Leeds. Who then wanted a fight.