Odd encounter with speeding escooter today. Coming down into Easton, just passing the top of Colston Road which has a sloped entrance ramp to the path. Heard the sound 'vvvrrrrrmmmmm' coming from behind, like that one fat knobbly MTB tyres make. Looked over my shoulder but it was yoof on one of those big escooters with fat tyres & suspension, probably does about 30-40mph at full speed. He went up the ramp as I passed it, I assumed he was leaving the cycle path...but no, he sped down the other side in an attempt to overtake me at speed. It didn't work

. He had a friend behind on similar, they did eventually overtake me. What worries me about this is that they both did some speed, casually weaving in & out of cyclists/pedestrians and at this point, the path narrows here and there are a lot of schoolkids/peds about at 8.30am. I always slow down through here but these clown were going quite fast. anyway, ,y path in red, his inn yellow. He obviously was too impatient to slow down.
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