Tales from today's commute....

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Thorn Sherpa

Ãœber Member
No words needed Trans pennine trail between manvers and Brampton 🤿


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Well, blow me down with a feather...or not. The rain stopped, not completely bit near enough. The forecasted strong winds didn't really materialise either.
And what winds were swirling about gave me a nice helpful push in the back home.
A new start to the first bit of my commute this morning. It's about 4.5miles now to the train station (it was about 1mile). I got up 10mins earlier and ate quickly and headed out the door, rather chilling for about 15mins. Lol, it's a pretty straight commute other than traffic lights there's not much delay and you can go straight through the pedestrian zone before 9am. The route is pretty sheltered from the SWW which didn't feel strong at all and it was pretty crisp and clear, a right lull between the storm. So I ended up being a few minutes earlier than normal. I could have had an extra 10mins in bed. I think I'll go for 5 mins later which still gives me a choice of two trains (or one this morning as the 2nd was cancelled). If the 2nd had been running I had over 20mins up my sleeve, with it not I still had over 10 for the 1st one I did get 😂

Edit, what a difference the clock change has made, it was twilight all the way and after a few stops on the train, complete day light. It means tonight will be pitch dark from the start, so I'll have to rescue my good lights from my locker and charge them up.
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As long as I breathe, I attack.
flood warning signs along my route home last night with some areas pretty deep , felt the wind pushing the car about on the open sections .
I promise im back on the bike today !!
On a side note i have a pretty physical job and much as i love cycling i have noticed these days off i have had have meant im not so knackered and can manage the job a bit more .


South Wales
A little nippy this morning, and a lot of water on the road, but otherwise not unpleasant, and roads very quiet due to half term.

It was down to 6C for about a third of the ride, which is getting a little low for shorts & arm warmers.


South Wales
First pitch black commute for me tonight, my first since the clock change (although the skies in the west were clear so it wasn't fully pitch dark) but I'd forgotten how awesome the Garmin front light is in the dark and it easily let me see floods in time to avoid them :okay:

Yeah, it was pitch black for about the second half of my commute. I love my new front light to, particularly its single press dip function, using the remote near my left thumb. On full beam, I can see potholes & flooded bits in plenty of time, even at 20+ mph.

Thorn Sherpa

Ãœber Member
Wow. How deep was that?
It was a good 8 inches in places, pedals and bottom bracket disappeared into the water 💦 😂

Thorn Sherpa

Ãœber Member
Yesterday's commute narrowly avoided coming a cropper heading down to stairfoot Barnsley. Bolt holding the seat clamp sheared when I hit a bump and sent me onto handlebars. Ended up hitting a bench pretty hard and bent the forks but to be fair not having a rear brake didn't help (my own fault) Think the headset has seen better days now so the job for the weekend is fix her up


Thorn Sherpa

Ãœber Member
1st commute on the new bike went well nearly 10 minutes quicker more than likely due to the tyres. Light showers 20 minutes into the ride but other than that a pleasant ride in. Didn't see a single cyclist just some of the usual dog walkers.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Yes this bike has front and rear brakes 😂 impressed with the Land Cruiser tyres definitely made a difference with speed on the commute.

The Land Cruisers aren't bad, and also good enough on mud and roots - I have a canal option on my commute, but it's so filthy this time of year, I take the better surfaced route, but with Lifeline Commuter tyres (more slick).

Thorn Sherpa

Ãœber Member
The Land Cruisers aren't bad, and also good enough on mud and roots - I have a canal option on my commute, but it's so filthy this time of year, I take the better surfaced route, but with Lifeline Commuter tyres (more slick).
Had Marathon Plus for most of my bikes and never had any issues with them, 1st time having the land cruiser. Agree with what you say capable on the muddy/root sections on the Pennine Trail I use
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