Tales from today's commute....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Looks like the council have responded to the 'tree roots' on the Fallowfield Loop - propper barriers up and area marked out for re-surfacing.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
yesterday morning floods had closed my usual route in so i had to detour via the town centre which was ok , coming home the usual route was open part way but they had shut a long stretch through Repton so a lot of traffic was coming my way up a single track lane that was covered in muddy bits, twigs etc from the storm so i had a couple of close passes as the cars tried to barge through .
This morning i decided to chance the single track lane but its a bit dicey when its pitch black so that ones out .I have heard you can get though repton on a bike as they are basically doing repairs to the worst bits of holes so i might chance it .


self serving virtue signaller
Perfect autumn commute: arrived at work just as the rain started and left through the wraiths of mist under a gibbous moon as the sun was setting.

One bat seen, one owl heard.

I've never been so blasé about someone in a car nearly killing me.

I got half way round a dark but lit roundabout (turning right) when someone came down an approach road came straight out in front of me. If I'd followed through my pedal stroke I would have been in front of his bumper but it was fairly easy not to follow through and as the roundabout was so big and quiet move out of the primary closer to the island. He was totally oblivious, I just hope when he saw the flashing light and bright jacket under the streetlights in his rear mirror he realised what he had done (I wouldn't hold my breath though).

For the first time in the 3 years commuting I also finally got overtook on what's known as the big dipper (a narrow twisty down hill before a sharp uphill, https://maps.app.goo.gl/BkHvfyCxPg8pAp198 ). Given the narrowness and twistyness, most folk wait until near the top of the climb, or even over the crest, when you are going slow and they can see, but she never. She just fitted through the gap thankfully, so it was no drama, if I had to break at 31.7mph it would have been more than a drama!

Things come in 3s 🙄 I got to town and was turning right at a roundabout and was again half way round when Audi started to shoot on to the roundabout in front of me. He at least realised what he done and slammed on his brakes. TBH though it was a bit of an overreaction from him and whilst it would have been unpolite he would have missed me by a fair bit if he'd continued but I'm glad to get the 3rd event out of the way and hopefully it'll be another 3 years or more before I have another.

The more annoying thing I cleaned and lubed and fixed the rear mudguard of the bike at the weekend and today was filthy. At least I was on road, when I was in the shower room someone who had used the Cole Green Way was extra filthy and had found it hard work!


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Nippy one this morning. Clear skies and still air meant misty patches over fields and low lying areas.

Time to re-apply the 'washing up liquid' trick to my glasses. (smear lenses with washing up liquid and just rinse off) - helps stop them steaming up).

Yes cold and dense fog for me until I got over the river when it was a lot warmer and clear

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Lady cyclist behind me on way home last night said that my rear light was blinding....?. Its an el cheapo one for £10. I wonder what she felt about other cyclists with those front lights like a mini-supernova going off?.

Saw candidate for Darwin awards zooming up the road on the right hand side on his little escooter-with-seat, no lights etc. Natural selection at work, Attenborough should do a show about these folk. Unfortunately, if they have an accident, some innocent third party might get hurt :sad: .

Speaking of transport for lazy people, I actually overtook a slow escooter the other day. I wasn't going all that fast but he started slowing in front of me, then began to push with his right foot...probably running out of charge:blush:...aaaw...best get a bike.


South Wales
Speaking of transport for lazy people, I actually overtook a slow escooter the other day. I wasn't going all that fast but he started slowing in front of me, then began to push with his right foot...probably running out of charge:blush:...aaaw...best get a bike.

I overtook one on the way home last night as well. He must have been doing about 15mph, I was doing 19, on Ninian Park Road in Cardiff.


South Wales
Lovey autumnal ride in today, enjoyable. Got to the changing rooms and found my rainlegs form yesterday still hanging up.... good job I hadn't needed them today!

By eck it was foggy this morning! Was that poor visibility at spots I was second guessing where I was heading 😂

Wet roads and some light rain here on the way in, but no fog.

Completely dark for about the first half of the ride, that was the latest it has been before being able to turn the front light to flash mode.
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