Tales from today's commute....

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captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Well, I took on Harrogate. Consensus is that Harrogate won.
A cycling nightmare.
Littered with alleged cycle paths, routes and what have you.
Paths that peter out and leave you searching for the next blue sign post.
Who believes that painting a line on an already busy road creates a cycle path?
Loose dogs on shared paths!
Zombies with headphones on, walkers catching up on their text messages and only vaguely paying any attention.
Gaggles of teen students.

Much like the rest of the country really.

There rant over

You forgot to add private escooters swerving all over the shop....maybe just Bristol as we were 'specially selected' (ie told) we were an escooter pilot zone?.


All at sea⛵
You forgot to add private escooters swerving all over the shop....maybe just Bristol as we were 'specially selected' (ie told) we were an escooter pilot zone?.

They are also available in 'gate

Fridays commute was a bit longer than usual. The in-house cafe orders meat from a butcher in my village three times a week so it's become my job to go and collect. The butcher is traditional and very German with sausages hanging from hooks, lots of different meat cuts on display, and a butcher cutting and preparing meat on the counter. They know me now, so as soon as I come in they produce my order from the cavernous back room and I can carry on to work along the river.

It could be worse.
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Although we were driving, returning from a trip to an open day at an animal sanctuary, we were much taken aback by an auld manny shuffling across the road on his knees pushing a wheelbarrow full of garden debris. :eek:
Be a fairly busy road at that time of day, I stopped the traffic behind me and gave him a hand getting his task done and returning to his bungalow. He explained that he'd just had both his hips 'done', explaining his odd style of locomotion.
Judging by the look of his GLW at the garden gate, I guess he got his arse reamed when I'd left - ! :laugh:


Über Member
I needed to take my Eldest to drop him off for a school trip this morning so ended up doing a car & bike multi modal trip, rain didn't get any heavier than a few drops.

Now will I remember to collect the car on the way home?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I needed to take my Eldest to drop him off for a school trip this morning so ended up doing a car & bike multi modal trip, rain didn't get any heavier than a few drops.

Now will I remember to collect the car on the way home?

Literally a drop or two on my commute. Light winds, no traffic on my route at all. Got scalped by a bloke on a gravel bike, the swine (I'm on a MTB) ! ^_^ My usual friendly elderly dog walker wasn't out this morning, not like him.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Shame about this afternoon's forecast.

Oof, otters pocket from 12pm until 9pm, don't think we are avoiding that. Weds/Thurs looks OK


Über Member
Was a bit horrible on the way home but I avoided the worst of it.

Remembered to collect the car and headed straight back out into the rain for a few hours.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Chuffin dog owners. Less than a mile from home, riding round the shared parh around a field (official cycle route) two dog owners and two dogs. One starts bounding over (has done this before) then starts snarling and getting very close to my leg. I slam the brakes on with a loud screech and stones flying. Dog stops. I yell 'get your dog under control I'm getting sick of this". Owner gets shirty, and I say I've witnessed two dog attacks recently, get it under control. She says stop being so nasty. WTF the dog has just tried to bite me.

Her parting shot was 'wait for tomorrow'. Now there were two of them and I was 200 yards away. If she brings a knuckle dragging husband out tomorrow, I'll be cycling through with a rather good phone camera tomorrow.

Less than a mile later, another dog goes for me. At least this little sheite is on a lead and it does it most days.

What is it with shoot dog owners. Self entitled. God knows what would have been the outcome with a child on a bike.

Other than that, the next 50 plus dog owners I passed were perfect. Roll on tomorrow.
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