Tales from today's commute....

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Cycling Skoda lover
22 mile round trip on the Elswick folder along the Roe Green Loop Line. Beautiful ride there and back



As long as I breathe, I attack.
This weather is barmy, last week it was over 32deg C, this morning just under 13deg C. It was just below comfortable temperatures for my post chemo fingers and toes so I wore a jacket and thicker knee warmers. Before I would have worn thin arm warmers and knee warmers. It was forecasted to rise to 18deg C and whilst the jacket is too warm for that I could slip the sleeves off and just be a little too hot. No need the rain belt hit earlier than expected and the temperatures were about 11deg C.
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i have missed the rain but going to work on early shift means its hovering into single figures at some points so its arm+legwarmers and a gilet with 2 thin pairs of gloves , coming home im wearing one pair of gloves but my fingers are still white even though im sweating .

Going to work its now listing sunrise about half an hour after i leave for work so its gloomy enough to need lights

Today i had to brake and stop for a couple of dwarf deer who were standing in the road and they decided not to move till i was practically on them .


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Chatting to a colleague in the Environment Team today, and she said they were looking to get ebike charging lockers (for the batteries) installed in the shelters. Thinking is, they don't want staff taking random quality lipo batteries and chargers into various offices, given the fire risks. Safer in a contained locker, and also handy for staff.
A hot one today again. It was 12deg when I got up so I put on knee warmers and arm skins. The train was delayed, probably because of the overtime ban, and in that half hour, plus the hour on the train it really warmed up. The Garmin says it was 19deg C. The knee warmers and arm skins were far too warm for that. The bonus though is that because I was late only half of it was in the peak and the roads were lovely quiet.
The PM was glorious too and I extended it by around 11miles to grab some OS tiles (12 grabbed) as I bimbled. Lol, a few times I thought of stopping for pictures but decided not too. I'd just missed a train and with the rail overtime ban they were running a reduced service so the usual 15min wait was nearly 40mins.






Velo, boulot, dodo
New bike commute, in at seven because I had an 8 am call/ presentation to prepare for. Got a croissant on the way in. Double bonus, very nice.

Thorn Sherpa

Über Member
Avoided rain this morning and evening so can't grumble at that. Not sure what the temperature was this morning but perfect t shirt riding weather not too hot not too cold. Didn't see as many bikers today as normal and with this week's forecast don't think I will for the rest of the week.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
i got drenched last night , the rain was heavy and windblown so after 4-5 miles i was leaking then it started going into my eyes :sad:
road crews had shut the road for resurfacing to add to the fun so i had to walk around it as i wasn't going via the diversion through town as it can be a bit dodgy with the pub chuck outs .
By this time the rain had stomped at least so i was overdressed and had to stop to remove a few layers and finally got buzzed by a boy racer on the last stretch into the village ,


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Decent commute. Still struggling with foot/knee pain, but it's at least moved to my knee mainly - just got no power and can't get out of the saddle as my knee is very painful.

Managed to cycle through Brinnington without getting arrested, the whole area has been put under stop and search for 24 hours due to trouble over the weekend.

I've asked Facilities to give the cycle shelter's a good scrub after the fire. Despite me brushing up, we get some slight rain ingress due to walls being 'vented', and we've sooty puddles and streaks everywhere.
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