Tales from today's commute....

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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Scalped a lad on a dodgy electric bike this morning. Not gone far from home, but on a track at the side of a field, and the lad shortcuts over the field. Then blasts his horn as some poor unsuspecting bloke who was walking to work. The bloke looked a little shocked as I passed, I said a cheery 'Good Morning, the lad is on a dodgy ebike'. ''I know' he said.

Off I set, caught him very quickly, so just hopped the rear wheel and locked it up, scattering gravel. He didn't move so hopped again and he shifted to the side this time. Shot past him and left him for dust. He caught up about a mile later whilst I was waiting to cross a junction. Left him for dust again, never to be seen.

SCR.... grow up :whistle:
Friday 9th

Came home via the river (Calder) bank & NewLands Woods
It was a good ride, as all 3 gates were opens
The first gate, at 'Stanley Ferry’, was open as the woodyard was still open

The other two, due to agricultural access being in progress

I did get caught behind a tractor though, on NewLands Lane, between the ‘Pylon Pond’ the railway bridge, with no room to get past
I did get a shower of leaves & twigs though


At the photographed point, the tractor & l would be about 200 yards behind the photographer
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Nightmare commute this morning, stopped 12 times then I woke up. In reality it was only two but nearly three and that plus the first that did occur where the second and third of the dream so it did almost seem as if it becoming true.
In anticipation of tonight's 🌞 I took my gravel bike to work. The road flooded a few weeks back and never drained I think they closed the road I take for that, access only. Fortunately not to bikes, so the road was very quiet :okay:

The real fun was tonight. I was about to head off then I decided I should wheel round the other side of the office where they set up film studios.



I then headed east along bridleways to a local town:



Could have framed this better but as you see above the 🌞 was in my eyes :laugh:


I then took a near direct line back to the train station. It could have been almost completey straight looking at the map but I explored once or twice. I never really attacked any trails though as I didn't want to shake the company laptop apart :okay:
Sunday 11th

As it was a rather nice late afternoon, & I left work a 17:00, I decided to ride back via the old railway embankment, alongside the River Calder, from 'Stanley Ferry', where the Calder & Aire And Calder Navigation Canal intersect, with the canal crossing on an aquaduct (there are 2, the older being Grade 1 listed)

Then it's a bit of a meander, with the Calder 20 foot below to my right (I'm travelling upstream)
i get to my usual point of leaving the embankment, with a right turn over tree-roots, to be confronted by this fallen tree


My course, is essentially where the trunk lays.....
I rode this way on Friday, & it wasn't down then

There is an alternative route from the embankment, that goes another 100yards along it, before winding through the woods to meet above the fallen tree

Looking back towards where I dropped off the embankment (& also join it, when riding to work, along that route)
View attachment 694403


Thankfully the foliage/branches had already been trodden to a certain extent, & could be bypassed alongside the trunk
Someone's already been down to it, be it the farmer, or the game-keeper/fishing bailiff, as the surrounding greenery had been flattened by a vehicle


The fallen tree would lie within the blue circle, the Stable block is steadily deteriorating even more; https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2416200

Note the first photograph, & the long-gone Hall, I essentially ride through it;
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
First shorts in the morning day for me this year.

Very, very light rain at one point!

Yep, I was a bit surprised to see rain had fallen over night.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
WFH today, but did a faux commute at lunch. Hot, very hot, but route was off road along the canal and another bridleway back - not too hot as tree lined and where not, the soaking we got locally last night eased the temps from the ground.
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