Tales from today's commute....

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Thorn Sherpa

Über Member
New job new route to work, nice 8 miler up the pennine trail from Rotherham to Barnsley. Pretty quiet in the morning barring a few dog walkers occasional joggers but after I finish work (3pm) it's pretty busy! Early mornings seen deer on the odd occasions will try and get pics when possible.
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Thorn Sherpa

Über Member
Loving the warmer weather to and from work, plenty of people out on their bikes. Had a close call with a young dog deciding to run out of the bushes onto the pennine trail, that got the ticker going!


Über Member
Lovely rides yesterday, however, I did something I thought I would never do. I listened to the radio on the way in, Radio 4 obviously, through a Bluetooth speaker.

I was entirely on the road, so I was not spoiling any tranquillity, but I really enjoyed it, might try it again tomorrow.

I see quite a few people riding and listening to music so I am not alone.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Lovely rides yesterday, however, I did something I thought I would never do. I listened to the radio on the way in, Radio 4 obviously, through a Bluetooth speaker.

I was entirely on the road, so I was not spoiling any tranquillity, but I really enjoyed it, might try it again tomorrow.

I see quite a few people riding and listening to music so I am not alone.

Get a big boom box like the chap I see riding in Manchester regular - he's even been in the local press.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Lovely rides yesterday, however, I did something I thought I would never do. I listened to the radio on the way in, Radio 4 obviously, through a Bluetooth speaker.

I was entirely on the road, so I was not spoiling any tranquillity, but I really enjoyed it, might try it again tomorrow.

I see quite a few people riding and listening to music so I am not alone.

A very common sight/sounds down here in sunny Londinium
The train was 20minute delayed which meant a lot of the rush hour traffic was gone before I got off the Stevenage cycle paths and the normally grid locked Hertford town was free flowing which made for the fastest AM commute of the year. I did note that in one of the villages the council's contractor was bagging up the drains (for surface dressing chips probably). Sure enough by the PM the whole road through that village was surface dressed. I had a very patient and understanding driver who refused to overtake there despite there being masses of room. They knew that in doing so their wheels would have thrown up chips at me and/or they were worried I'd hit a deep/ loose patch and lose control. The only other thing of note the weather both ways was ace, with tonight being especially warm. Being it was so nice I hummed and hahhed about getting of the train a stop early and doing my scheduled workout. But Lol, I decided that a interval session and a laptop wasn't the best idea and went straight home instead.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Funny you say that, I know he had converted to a escooter for a while but I saw him yesterday on an ebike.

Its only a tiny Bluetooth speaker I use, I actually bought it for those times I need to use google maps for directions.

View attachment 690951

On the scooter today.



Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Three rather bad overtakes on my 14-miler in this morning, one of them was using handheld mobile phone in traffic when I caught up with him too.

A lovely sunny day to ride to work nevertheless.


Velo, boulot, dodo
Rode my old 'cross bike, half thinking of putting it into commuting duties. Just replaced the beat up stem cap with a shiny one-- me in a crucifixion pose looking back at me every time I glance down.

Creaking from somewhere-- all my bikes are creaking.

Jon in Sweden

Well-Known Member
I started a new job this week at one of the local large sawmills. I have lots of lovely route options to get there between 24.5km and 31km, with some gravel, some asphalt, some hills, some flatter routes. It's great.

I'm generally going to take the flattest route when going to work as it takes me past a very nice swimming spot 1200m before I get to work.

This was especially welcome yesterday with 28c air temperature. The water was 20c and just perfect.

The way home over the hill was serenely peaceful at 23:00. An hour on the bike to get home and I didn't see a single car or person.

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