Tales from today's commute....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I was hoping to commute all week on the bike, but single digit temps, rain and more rain, with needing to look presentable in a face to face interview panel......took the car.

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.....16 minute to get to work with no traffic, in warmth + comfort. I know some of you love everyone to cycle all the time, but the reality is the car makes life so easy. Probably not a surprise even during the sunny bits of this week, I barely saw half a dozen cyclist commuting to work on the bike, versus what must be hundreds if 4 digit number of cars.

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Wimp !


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Back on the bike after 6 days off for a holibob. Reminded on the way back home from the airport yesterday just how soul destroying traffic is, so despite picking up a head cold and not feeling too great, cycled in. Was only a couple of minutes slower, despite taking it easy.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Stinky cold day 2. Didn't feel like it, but topped up on the sudafed once at work.

Got cut up by an idiot less than a few hundred metres from home, set off from traffic lights, driver tries to race ahead and turn left as I'm turning left also, charges off and promptly scrapes the bottom of his car on the speed humps, as I'm still behind him. I shouted 'what was the point of that'.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Getting fed up of taggers.

Nice mural on B2B Railway Path:

On the path itself:

Easton area, new landscaping, seat, planters....more tagging.


last night was one of those days - some proper numpty in a van thought he* was cyclist - jumping red lights wrong way up the traffic cutting and swerving around. Given this was the A6 through manchester at rush hour it still wasn't getting him home any faster - just glad he was ahead of me so I could watch everyone's bafflement, rather than hearing it happen behind me.

Then I managed to hit something which rubbed loudly on the tyre. Just before I left work been reading the 'idot' thread in discussion where a couple of people blew their tyres from misadjusted brakes. Had a few nervous minutes before I could find somewhere safe to inspect - it was just dry mud! phew.

Had hoped for a dry week, but it's raining again this evening. Been lovely otherwise.



As long as I breathe, I attack.
Must say, now in summer gear - base layer, MTB shorts with built in 'cycling shorts', base and top. Much quicker getting dressed, and less stuff to hang up. Should be good till end of October. First day with the MTB SPD shoes as been using the Winter boots until this week.

still in arm/legwarmers/ base layer / ls jersey/ toe covers and thick gloves and sometimes even a windproof going in to work as it been 4-5 c all week with a frost on tuesday morning .
On early shift so still pre sunrise and very dark this "morning" as the cloud cover was 100 % . coming home it started raining heavily so i had to get the windproof back on as an extra layer so it was boil in the bag time


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Yet more rain for last nights cycle commute home. A whole hours worth of steady rain. When will it ever stop?
Rainy commute #22 for the year
Same period last year 11 rainy rides.

However, it couldn't have been any more different this morning. bit of sunshine, though that seems to have dissapeared, dry and very mild. 12° when I left for work at 7.30am. So just short sleeves and shorts. It made for a very nice change.


Cycling to work, stopped at a junction with a main road as there was a car approaching on said main road from my right. No indicators until they saw me, then indicated to their left, implying a turn into the minor road I was waiting at. The car began the turn, mounted the kerb with a bang, nearly hit a lamp post in close proximity before resuming a wobbly way along the main road - ! :eek:
The car then stopped a bit further along the main road in order to turn round so they could get into the minor road intended - ! :laugh:
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Legendary Member
I had an off today - in the works bike shed :laugh:. As is usual, I unclipped the left foot while unlocking the shed, rolled forward, turned to the right to my customary spot and a small stone or something similar caused the front wheel to move unexpectedly. Cue comedy slow motion fall on my right side as I couldn't unclip in time and I even had time to exclaim 'Bugger' or something similar on the way down.
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