Tales from today's commute....

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Nice sunny (cold!) low-car commute today. School hols make a huge difference in terms of battling through congestion.

Yep, same here in South East Londinum.
Makes up for all the days when the roads are clogged up with school run cars.
And hooray.. no rain.
Can't see any other damaged plates so a quick link has been used to replace the broken one. Both broken chains have been SRAM PC1110 with 1000 miles (this one) and 1500 miles (Spa Elan) use.
View attachment 683577

I had a KMC chain that warped at just a few 100 miles where they usual last 5000.


Über Member
South of hades



Legendary Member
The sound of this morning's commute was that of windscreen wipers scraping across frozen screens. Guess a few people cot caught out by the sub zero conditions overnight and were only expecting water on their screens.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Fantastic morning cycle commute. No school run idiots, clear roads, air still and dry and a little bit of jolly SCR thrown in for good measure. I don't think I put a foot down in the whole 14 miles. Fastest average for morning commute this year.


South Wales
Bit chillier than I expected this morning. Was in shorts, then the temperature was between 5 and 6C for the whole ride, which is decidedly borderline for shorts. And light rain.

But very little wind, and very little traffic, so a fairly fast ride in.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
@ianrauk yes, the lack of school run traffic is very noticeable on my commute too, so much better!

After a couple of days' sunny commuting today was a little damp & grey.

One stupid close pass reported from today - there were five drivers passing me in a line, the fourth one didn't bother moving out to go around me at all & passed within touching distance @ 30mph or so. Probably distracted.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Strange one last night. Climbing a steep hill out of the local country park, spotted a guy sat on a bench on his phone. Except he had a decent MTB helmet on, but no bike ? By coincidence I'd spotted someone on a big trail bike on the other side of the country park in civvies - bike robbed ? Dunno ? It's a small section of my commute that's a bit dodgy - the route out of the park backs onto a fairly rough area ! It's never an issue in the mornings, but on the return there are usually some young adults mucking about in this area.

Looks like I was right


It maybe time to revise the last section of my return commute.


Legendary Member
Fantastic morning cycle commute. No school run idiots, clear roads, air still and dry and a little bit of jolly SCR thrown in for good measure. I don't think I put a foot down in the whole 14 miles. Fastest average for morning commute this year.

I don't get the school run chaos until the homeward leg and it's been really nice to have clear roads where there's normally queues and idiotic driving. The air may have been clear and fairly still this morning, but it was still -2°C when I left for work at 07:00.
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