Tales from today's commute....

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
what a night !
last commute home from late shift so set off just after midnight and again it was a nasty headwind , cold and raining .The cyclepath i use to get into town from work had vehicles and signs littered in as workmen had closed the dual carriageway for maintenance work so i had to be careful as with reduced visibility due to conditions you had to keep an eye out.
As usual sections of the path are covered in all sorts of debris and i must have picked up something in the tyre so when i got into town i got a sudden deflation :sad:
So its about 12.30 am now and its still raining and blowing a gale so im not looking forward to fixing the flat so i look for some shelter and luckily i saw a cut through to an industrial estate and would you belive it a bloomin bike stand/ smoking shelter with a roof so i could get out of the weather and sort it out !
keeping an eye out for numpties as this time of day you can get the odd pished person about i fixed the flat and carried on home .
I had to raid the Scotch bottle when i got home ..........

Returning from work. German weather being German; ie weird, but very definite about it.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Another cold wet ride in this morning. Getting a bit sick of it to be honest, and not much usually gets me down. In all my years of cycle commuting I don't think I've ever known such a long, continual period of cold and damp weather.

Rainy commute #14 for the year
compared to last year at 6 commutes for the same period.


Legendary Member
Cold and breezy this morning, cold, wet and breezy this afternoon.

I may only work 3 days per week, but it feels like I've had more wet commutes in March than for the whole of last year.


Legendary Member
Not a good start to the day - the chain broke on the Ribble ebike (pic to follow when I get home). Thankfully it was just as I started out, but that's the 2nd 11 speed chain that's gone on my bikes this month. Quick swap of bike & shoes then off to work in some very misty conditions.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Got passed by a colleague near work. Hadn't realised until he mentioned it in the office. I did outrun his Range Rover from the lights and it took him a good few hundred yards to keep up with my Tesla like acceleration :whistle: (on a heavy MTB).

He did say I must be about the only cyclist he sees stopped at lights ! Ahem.


Legendary Member
Not a good start to the day - the chain broke on the Ribble ebike (pic to follow when I get home). Thankfully it was just as I started out, but that's the 2nd 11 speed chain that's gone on my bikes this month. Quick swap of bike & shoes then off to work in some very misty conditions.

Can't see any other damaged plates so a quick link has been used to replace the broken one. Both broken chains have been SRAM PC1110 with 1000 miles (this one) and 1500 miles (Spa Elan) use.
Broken chain - Ribble.jpg
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