Tales from today's commute....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
One of the regulars that let's on to me is on a road bike, I'm on an MTB though, but all panniered up.

Slowly but surely, I've worked out said first person is on more or less the exact commute I'm on, all be it in the opposite direction - we usually pass on a particular 3 mile section - either in the middle, or coming on and off the path, but last night we passed when I was within 2 miles of home, so we are covering about 6 miles on the same route. Funny old world.


self serving virtue signaller
Beautiful sunny morning and no early meeting, so took the time to burn off a few calories and exercise the legs.

Managed a tad over 500m climbing in 30km, including the ascent of the Swiss Hill pavé.

Lovely way to start the day.

Tom B

Very hard in these circumstances not to open the door, remove keys, open boot, remove wheel brace, brutally beat the driver to death, torch the remains in the car then cycle off whistling a cheerful ditty.

What??? Too much?????

Fortunately the lights changed before I was able to thank her for her kind words of encouragement and to give her any advice regarding pro-creation and her tin box piloting.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Nice ride on my new bike.

Checked the footage and this young driver did veer across the road towards me in some power play nonsense. That's how it felt at the time. I could've slapped the door mirror.

Silly, drawing attention to himself when his VED was due in January and remains unpaid.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
@ianrauk @postman I have reported the toad with a detailed explanation of what happened.

Sadly the facility only allows for video, not still images - but I hope for a "positive outcome"

I hope so too


South Wales
Punctured on the way in this morning, even with slime inner tube. I think it must have been a pinch puncture, given how fast it went down and how much slime was spread around inside the tyre. Not fun, as it was at the bottom of a hill where I was doing around 30mph, but I mamaged to keep it upright.

Switched the inner tube for the spare in my saddle bag and rode the rest of the way in without any real further incident.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
A trifle wet on the way home last night, avoided the worst of the downpours but I must have passed over 100 drivers stuck in traffic.

My new Contend AR3 was quick and surefooted on wet, potholed roads though. Now for the mudguards!
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