Miscasting classics

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back and brave
I recall Brad Pitt playing an IRA terrorist in some film or other. He didn't seem to know quite what accent he was doing.


Über Member
Keanu Reeves in Dracula.

He just seems so very very close to saying Yo Dracula dude all the time.

Or indeed anything other than The Matrix which otherwise absolves him of guilt.


Über Member
Coming up shortly on Film 4, The Conqueror, with John Wayne as Genghis Khan:

View attachment 22377

What were they thinking of?

Was this really any worse than his work in The Greatest Story Ever Told and his He truly was the Son of God line?

It was often claimed that when he delivered the line the director asked him to give it a little more awe, to which The Duke said,

Aw, he truly was the Son of God


Über Member
Keanu Reeves in Dracula.

He just seems so very very close to saying Yo Dracula dude all the time.

Or indeed anything other than Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure which otherwise absolves him of guilt.



Hugh Grant as Byron alongside LIz Hurley as Claire Clairmont. Bizarre!


Has the memory of a goldfish
Micheal Caine in every film he's been in except for The Italian Job.
He was ok in Zulu... and Alfie.


To be fair, I did enjoy both Reacher films.
Not that either of them bore all that much resemblance to the books, mind.

The second one was rubbish.

Anyhow, now we're all resurrected, did anyone watch Titus Welliver in Sons of Anarchy? He's not a great actor anyways, but it took me about 2½ seasons of the excellent Bosch to forgive him for that awful accent!
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