I think this is one of those occasions where it’s much better to see the film before reading the books. This is what I did and when reading the books naturally pictured Crowe and Bettany as the two main characters.
I think i would have struggled enjoying the film if I’d read the books first and, as an aside, what a great series of books they were. Highly recommended.
I agree with previous posters that the biggest miscasting travesty was Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. I’ve always though Ray Stevenson would be good in the role.
Yeah, I have to say the film (Master and Commander) was good. The thing is, imo, you needed a TV actor for Captain Aubrey, where as you need a Hollywood star for a major film.
I saw a Jack Reacher film recently, which was quite good. Tom Cruise is way too small, but given that, he did a decent fist. Personally, I reckon Tom Cruise is one of the world's underrated actors. He's been making watchable films for a long time. He's a bit of a twat; he doesn't do accents or play cripples. I reckon he's a bit like John Wayne.