how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 299 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 377 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 304 21.2%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 169 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 254 17.7%

  • Total voters
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Active Member
11 miles ish either way. Thinking of adding in a lap or two of local park to up the miles couple times of week.


New Member
20 miles each way. So 40miles a day. Just concentrating on improving my time at the minute, trying to power up the hills. Currently am doing it in 1 hour 15 mins (16mph)
24 miles one way,usually just ride in a couple of mornings only leaving at 6:00 to miss most of the traffic and getting to work before 7:30.Sometimes if I'm knocking off work early I'll do a longer ride home otherwise it's a bit busy when I leave at a normal time.
This might change soon though when I get the cross bike set up and then I can use some of the droves and pathways.
At the moment as have just started, it's 5 miles each way (from home to train station then train with bike into work), once I can work out a route from home to work and back then 14 / 16 miles each way :-(


New Member
Mine's 5 miles each way. Don't do it too often though has I sweat like a bugger and end up needing 20 minutes to cool down before I can get changed!

Once I get my fitness up a little and can make it to work without looking like I've been through a downpour I'll start cycling more often :smile: Might help to get some panniers instead of taking a backpack too.



Well-Known Member
6.5 miles each way for me, but sometimes when I feel like it I go a slightly longer route on the way home which brings it up to 9-10 miles cycling home.
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