how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 299 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 377 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 304 21.2%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 169 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 254 17.7%

  • Total voters
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13 mile round trip for me since moving; a 7 mile drop in commute. My new route is flatter and more scenic plus I can do it in under half an hour rather than the 45/50 minutes for my old commute. Being able to come home on my break when on a split shift is nice.

The down side is that the drivers along my new commute are a lot worse than the drivers along the A35; whereas I used to suffer 1 close pass a month if that, now I suffer at least 1 close pass every commute. I'm not going to let the figwit's destroy my cycling Karma though.


13 mile round trip for me since moving; a 7 mile drop in commute. My new route is flatter and more scenic plus I can do it in under half an hour rather than the 45/50 minutes for my old commute. Being able to come home on my break when on a split shift is nice.

The down side is that the drivers along my new commute are a lot worse than the drivers along the A35; whereas I used to suffer 1 close pass a month if that, now I suffer at least 1 close pass every commute. I'm not going to let the figwit's destroy my cycling Karma though.
Hold on! Commutes do not shorten irrespective of a move of home or workplace. You are meant to extend it; it's in the Rules. If it isn't then it ought to be. ^_^
I reckon you be right there; it should be in the rules if it isn't already :smile:. I've already sussed out an alternative route that would make for about 24 mile round trip though the hills on that route are a bit off putting; I'm not as keen on doing hills on a daily basis as I used to be.


Active Member
And so it has begun!
I've done my new route a few times now and got the new steed all fettled and setup just the way I like it..and all is going well!
First few rides had me doing the 16 mile route in just over an hour, which I'm pleased with given the route and the fact that I've not really ridden much for the last 18 months.
Some nasty short but sharp climbs on the way, excellent stamina training.....mind you I did have to granny ring one of them on the first outing ,thanks to lovely lactic acid, was a once only affair though ;)

But all in all I'm loving riding in to work.:thumbsup:
15 mile there 15 back but there are two 25% hills in it and I have to set off at 0540 to get there at 0640 start work at 7 View attachment 11780 cracking views though!!
View attachment 11781

Cracking views and cracking bike. I know its a good bike because I also have a CR1, also in that colour. I did put black bar tape on as white goes manky. What wheels are those? I have American Classic Victory 30s.

Back on topic: Got a job interview soon and if successful my commute will be about 12 miles each way.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
I've started to up the morning commute to between 31 and 53 miles on the dry days, homeward bound anything up to 40. Naff weather days like yesterday it's the standard 30 mile round trip.


My Armchair
My commute has changed from almost 20 mile round trip to 17, so less mileage which I don't mind as it's still a reasonable distance, but more importantly instead of the 5 days per week it's now 4 every 8 days hence my reduced target for the year :thumbsup:


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
My commute has changed from almost 20 mile round trip to 17, so less mileage which I don't mind as it's still a reasonable distance, but more importantly instead of the 5 days per week it's now 4 every 8 days hence my reduced target for the year :thumbsup:
Pah........ that should mean an increased target as you have more time to cycle with your days off. ;):whistle:


Active Member
hey all

I'm actually just about to try to get back into cycling after a 16 year break! In the former years I enjoyed road racing and time trials. Anyway I'm going to start commuting to the station which is a good 12 miles each way, I'm going that will help get a Base fitness over time. Stupid question but what do you wear? We have a shower at work so I could use that but I'd still have to sit on a train in shorts etc
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