how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 299 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 377 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 304 21.2%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 169 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 254 17.7%

  • Total voters
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2 miles in the morning to work and often 6/7 miles home depending on the weather. I'd go further but have to carry rucksack (no panniers) and don't like getting too sweaty!


Cycling Excusiast
Commute for me is 24 miles round trip, it was 28 but I trimmed it a bit. I would love to have a sub 30minute commute though, would make evening plans much more flexible.
15 mile round trip, come rain or shine. It's funny, after work I think I could try a different route and add some mileage but I really just want to get home. My Tour of East Lothian every weekend however is a different story. I love cycling in this county, I could cycle all day and often do.


Network Ninja
Wow some of you do mammoth commutes!

I drive my car the whole 5 miles to my office, and as much as my family all say commuting on a bike would be dangerous - (and to be fair there are some dual carriageways that would really put me off) - If I can find cycle paths (and there are a lot around me) I am considering commuting by bike when I am fitter. Though, how I would manage on day shifts where I have to wear a shirt I wouldn't know. I sweat like a pig so wearing my clothes to work would be no good...


Wow some of you do mammoth commutes!

I drive my car the whole 5 miles to my office, and as much as my family all say commuting on a bike would be dangerous - (and to be fair there are some dual carriageways that would really put me off) - If I can find cycle paths (and there are a lot around me) I am considering commuting by bike when I am fitter. Though, how I would manage on day shifts where I have to wear a shirt I wouldn't know. I sweat like a pig so wearing my clothes to work would be no good...

No showers at your work? Could try non-scented wipes, loads of people swear by them, and change in a cubicle?

After my 13 or so I have a quick shower before work.

Seriously. Five miles will seem like nothing very, very quickly so go for it! :bicycle:


Network Ninja
Yeah we do have showers that's no problem - I was thinking more about how you get a shirt to work without creasing etc? I could easily do it on weekends (I work shifts) and nights as I can take t shirts folded up in my backpack.

I did 9.4 miles in just about an hour yesterday so I'm sure I can manage 5 miles to work with a bit more practice


Yeah we do have showers that's no problem - I was thinking more about how you get a shirt to work without creasing etc? I could easily do it on weekends (I work shifts) and nights as I can take t shirts folded up in my backpack.

I did 9.4 miles in just about an hour yesterday so I'm sure I can manage 5 miles to work with a bit more practice

Here's how I get my shirts to work. I neatly fold my shirts (usually 2) and a pair of trousers and put them into packing cubes like these Putting them in these 'cubes' keeps them protected, then I put cube into my messenger bag. Once arriving at work, the first thing I do is hang up the shirts on hangers and hang them near the shower and turn it on HOT while I get out of my cycling kit. Once I'm ready for the shower, the shirts are almost completely crease free (apart from the ones you actually want there!), while I'm showering I hang the shirts as near as possible without them getting wet, usually on the other side of the shower curtain.

This is how I also manage my packing when I travel abroad with work, always hang up in the shower on hot for a few minutes.

5 miles to work will be no problem for you, I'm sure of it.


For such a short commute, you could probably just ride in in your work clothes when the weather's good? You can now buy pretty good cycle commute friendly office wear, look at Next and Marks and Spencers for instance.


Network Ninja
Hmm that sounds even better but at my size I usually can't buy off the shelves. However it won't be long before I'll be able to. I'm about 46" waist and chest and that'll drop quickly - I'm on Lighterlife diet so losing weight fairly quickly


Only for next few weeks then I plan to restart Atkins. All that protein mmmmmm

I'm no nutritionist, but I'm a pretty experienced cyclist. Forget the fad diets, just ride your bike, enjoy it and the weight will just naturally drop off.
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