how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 299 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 377 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 304 21.2%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 169 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 254 17.7%

  • Total voters
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Shamed by this thread into doing a longer commute. Problem is that my work is only 1.5 miles from my home so I now actually go the opposite direction to start of with and have got a 6.5 mile one way through the countryside and 2.5 the other...

Good man.. it is a strange feeling heading the wrong way, but soon enough you wont even think about it. And in the better weather months I guarantee that you will be stretching the commute even more.


Legendary Member
Currently a 6 mile route to work.

Wolverhampton site is 17 miles from home.
I have spent the last few days thinking up various travel options. My boss, his fellow manager and my Mum thinks that a 17 mile ride is not safe, ridiculous, and even suggesting it brings my sanity into question. I'm planning a gentle build-up involving train 3 days a week, gradually reducing as I get fitter. Furthermore, I'm looking at getting a low maintenance commuting machine for the full 17 miles, or a cheap hack to leave at Wolverhampton station to do the last 2 miles on.

17 miles is quite doable, and feels pretty good on a nice morning, but the return ride in the cold and dark can look rather daunting at the end of a long day. From the way you describe the alternative on the M6, I don't think it'll take you any (or at least much) longer than driving, and the M6 around Brum in the rush hour is pretty damn miserable.

What about taking your bike on the train to Wolverhampton? I looked at the London Midland info on the National Rail website, and it doesn't look like they have any local restrictions in the West Midlands - as long as you stick to their trains you might be alright. That said, I suppose it could be uncomfortable if the trains are always crammed full at those times of day.


Legendary Member
Back to the main question :
I'm currently doing 12 miles each way, 3 days a week, but am thinking of reducing it to 8.5 miles each way next week because of the cold weather that's predicted. I can do that as I'm working away from home, and travel up and back once a week - I can then choose from a few options where to stay during the week.

Still, 8.5 miles is far enough to freeze your b******ks off.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
What about taking your bike on the train to Wolverhampton? I looked at the London Midland info on the National Rail website, and it doesn't look like they have any local restrictions in the West Midlands - as long as you stick to their trains you might be alright. That said, I suppose it could be uncomfortable if the trains are always crammed full at those times of day.

London Midland OK, but those trains are very slow. Cross Country should be OK too. Virgin could be the problem as you need a reservation for their trains. Unfortunately the best train to get to work on time is a Virgin train.


Active Member
I don't actually use a bike to commute yet, but i'm sick of the rising rail/tube fares and would relish in being in tip-top condition again.

TFL website estimates my journey from Romford to Tower Bridge to take 1h15m approx. Obviously there are other factors, but knowing that i'm 5"8 and 13stone, how long do people think it will take me at first? And how long before I can comfortably do this 4 days a week? I will take it easy at first, and do a practice run to learn the route before i actually commit to commuting, and end up in a ditch somewhere along Romford Road out of breath. Eventually I want to get my ride time down to 45mins.

I will be using a road bike, probably a Triban 3/5.
2.5 miles this morning, as the side roads looked a bit dodgy. I chose my second shortest route as the schortest involves bypassing the traffic jams down the hatched area in the middle of the main road but given I couln't see them this morning I thought it was best not too.

danjanoob, nice one I've no idea about Romford to TowerBridge, it looks like 14-15miles from Cyclestreets. 45mins is a practical time for a traffic free commute but in the centre of London with multiple traffic lights I think thats a bit optomistic. Cycle streets are showing 1hr for a fast commute or an 1 and 1/4 for an easy commute.


Active Member
danjanoob, nice one I've no idea about Romford to TowerBridge, it looks like 14-15miles from Cyclestreets. 45mins is a practical time for a traffic free commute but in the centre of London with multiple traffic lights I think thats a bit optomistic. Cycle streets are showing 1hr for a fast commute or an 1 and 1/4 for an easy commute.

It is a bit optimistic, probably, but I will try my best. As you say, 45 mins on a good day may be possible. Especially as the route is a lot of straight roads with very minimal elevation and slow traffic. I'm more worried about how my heart and body is going to get on. Just want a bike now, getting annoyed with delays waiting for my boss to get my vouchers! I haven't been on Cycle Streets yet, i'll have a look now cheers.


In between here and there
Well same road that the motorbike came of there some new deep tyre marks on the grass further on a Ford Ka upside down in the bushes.

Up until today I had been contemplating getting myself a cheapo hybrid and putting some ice spikers on it just to keep on if it got icy everywhere. Seeing as I share the roads with these kind of nobbers I think even if I could stay upright the chances of getting swiped by someone not reading the road and conditions has gone up beyond an acceptable level.

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
From my new house to work is just under 300 metres.

A Cyclist

Über Member
18 miles round trip, Watford to Sudbury Hill via A4008 Oxhey Lane, Courtenay Ave, Harrow view, so ups and downs. 35 to 40 mins based on the traffic. This is my first week, looking to improve:rolleyes:

A Cyclist

Über Member
Forgot to add, any CCers on this route will be glad to see them as I always wave at the cyclists, get waved at or not.
And you can easily spot a poor climber :sweat:


South Coast
I do 25 miles round trip - Hanger Lane to Camden- with a few laps of Regents Park added. Am looking to increase this in the summer. Takes me about 65mins to do 15 miles in the morning. 50 Mins going home to do 10 miles - loads more traffic & killer taxis & london buses aiming at me - so not as fast
well my first ever commute to work this morning by bike. Not a huge distance, but some pretty steep hills on the way in! Tracked 8.9km & was absolutely knackered by the time i got there. After this though i can only get stronger as i put more miles on the bike. It was a gorgeous morning to cycle to work though,& even nicer on the way home, which of course mean't that the inclines were declines & it was sooo much easier. So after today's exercise (18km cycle in total & 7km walk at lunch) i'll be on a rest day tomorrow & then back to running on Sunday!
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