how far do you commute?

commute length

  • <1 mile

    Votes: 33 2.3%
  • 1-5 miles

    Votes: 299 20.9%
  • 6-10 miles

    Votes: 377 26.3%
  • 11-15 miles

    Votes: 304 21.2%
  • 16-20 miles

    Votes: 169 11.8%
  • >20 miles

    Votes: 254 17.7%

  • Total voters
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26 miles there and back for me, fortunately roads arent too busy, really quite a pleasant commute.
Over winter now I'm not getting back in time for a proper ride I've extended my commute from a 3.5 mile round to a 8.5 or 9 miles in the AM, maybe 10 or 11miles at lunch and a short 5 miles in the PM although that occasionally as been increased too. If all goes to pot though I still have the option of just 1.75miles oneway direct. Having said that my last commute was Friday and who knows what my commute next year will involve.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I will be shortening my commute for 2013.
From it's current 22 miles in the morning to 18 miles (The direct route is 12 miles)
The evenings commute of 14 miles will stay the same.
I have promised myself that I will do less cycling and those 4 miles will make a difference.
My body is really creaking and groaning at the moment so need to take it a bit easier methinks.
My commute is about 19 miles each way through Manchester, but I normally only go one way as I have the option of putting it in the works van and getting a lift from someone else. Last 6 months I have been slacking off and hopefully the new year will give me the inspiration to do at least one way a minimumof 3 times a week.


A short 3 miles each way. Whilst I thought I might extend my journey on summer evenings, I don't find commuting at all interesting - it's a different bike with a different viewpoint.
I do around 17-18 miles, although for Jan, Feb and March this year have acquired a travelcard. The main reason is that the canal path is no fun in the cold and wet (actually its no fun most of the time unless spring is in the air!). However, I hope to ride in a few times when the light and weather improve.


Jeremy Vine is covering this topic today (how far do you cycle to work), I won't tune in, it will attract the usual commentards about Road Tax I expect.


Dog on a bike
I cycle 12 miles each way at the moment, 5 days a week usually. I can't stand getting the train so only do so when I really have to.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Bang on 10 miles each way, well garmin says 9.85 but it does not register a couple of bits and my normal bike computer said 10.12 so i take the average :smile:.Takes about 33 mins in and 37/38 mins back as i take a hillier route back although it comes in near enough the same distance.
I do it every day 5 days a week on rotating shifts in all weathers bar bad ice/snow as swmbo has the car unless i am on nights and i am to fecked :smile:


Senior Member
Mine is at least 11 miles, slightly longer routes found to use nicer roads. Only a couple of times a week and not during winter. Don't like commuting in the dark.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Currently a 6 mile route to work.

Boss took me to one side at the start of this year. He has been asked to supply a Project Mechanical Engineer to Wolverhampton, and I am best suited. They need the turnover / profit, and I'm not being fully used at the moment. Wolverhampton site is 17 miles from home.
I have spent the last few days thinking up various travel options. My boss, his fellow manager and my Mum thinks that a 17 mile ride is not safe, ridiculous, and even suggesting it brings my sanity into question. I'm planning a gentle build-up involving train 3 days a week, gradually reducing as I get fitter. Furthermore, I'm looking at getting a low maintenance commuting machine for the full 17 miles, or a cheap hack to leave at Wolverhampton station to do the last 2 miles on. I'm steeling myself for the big rows, stand-offs, and/or trying to keep my real plans quiet. There is no way I am spending an extra 2 hours each day on the M6 round Birmingham. It's not safe in my state of sleep depravation (3 week old child) and life is too short.

Only ironically my colleague fell off his bike on Sunday, broke a finger, is off work for 2 weeks and I am his cover. Which means that they have had to find an alternative mug for the Wolverhampton job, and I'll probably loose the chance and have to say here in this office. Now feeling very deflated.


Active Member
Shamed by this thread into doing a longer commute. Problem is that my work is only 1.5 miles from my home so I now actually go the opposite direction to start of with and have got a 6.5 mile one way through the countryside and 2.5 the other...
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