Have you voted yet?

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Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
No, although I am allowed to pay taxes but not to vote.
Have you not regularised your status in the UK? I suggest that you do and apply for citizenship if you haven't done so, that's if I'm understanding you correctly, excuse me if I'm not. Your pension rights could be affected I think.


By post so it might still be in a bag somewhere at the bottom of a big pile of bags.Let us hope whoever wins brings the post back in to Gov ownership.
By post so it might still be in a bag somewhere at the bottom of a big pile of bags.Let us hope whoever wins brings the post back in to Gov ownership.

My postal vote was in a state before I sent it, my new postie is seemingly Mr Magoo and walking straight past the post box at the front of the house and just leaving post on the door step. And of course it rained all day whilst I was out so it was a sudden lump.

All sorted now I hope, saw them and they were really apologetic, maybe post boxes are a bit old fashioned now as they were a young postie and said they didn't even think to look for one after they saw I had no letter box.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Not yet. I've been overwhelmed by a lack of enthusiasm.

roley poley

voted 20 min ago and had to queue for the first time in my life behind five other people...usually straight in to the booth


Legendary Member
Not sure you can ever vote in two different countries even through you can pay tax in more than one. Depends where you’re a citizen of versus where you work/make use of public services.
Your choice not to vote in France ultimately
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