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After watching the video, I'll say no. Just your typical teen age rebelling with 2 bottles of Vodka dance. See it all the time...


GCN's Ex Pro presenter Dan Lloyd having retired from cycling 10 yrs ago and only done 600 miles last year, decided on Sufferfest 4 D workout test and 10 week fitness builder starting tomorrow.

He was able to hold 300W for 4 hours as a Pro , but now can just muster 5 mins at 309W. His 20min test 244W. He currently weighs 76kg

Given he is an Ex Pro and only just 40 yrs old, it will interesting to see if 4 hours a week of bike training will restore the majority of his professional abilities.

The coach (who help trains Rohan Denis) reckons maybe 10% is a good improvement, Dan wants 20% which equals 300W 20 min ftp test:eek:


Bob, and anyone else who has had a long layoff, this will be interesting to follow. I know my ftp number dropped by 90W from a month off:ohmy:


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
GCN's Ex Pro presenter Dan Lloyd having retired from cycling 10 yrs ago and only done 600 miles last year, decided on Sufferfest 4 D workout test and 10 week fitness builder starting tomorrow.

He was able to hold 300W for 4 hours as a Pro , but now can just muster 5 mins at 309W. His 20min test 244W. He currently weighs 76kg

Given he is an Ex Pro and only just 40 yrs old, it will interesting to see if 4 hours a week of bike training will restore the majority of his professional abilities.

The coach (who help trains Rohan Denis) reckons maybe 10% is a good improvement, Dan wants 20% which equals 300W 20 min ftp test:eek:


Bob, and anyone else who has had a long layoff, this will be interesting to follow. I know my ftp number dropped by 90W from a month off:ohmy:

I have been following.I recently took out a years SF membership in expectation I would be using it to train for the ToC. I can’t do the 4dp test yet though, I simply cannot stand on the pedals for the sprint efforts so that will have to wait. I would put my ftp at about 170w so a similar drop to yours.


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
I was about 30% too (wouldn't it be nice if it wasn't a slider, but an actual value?!?).

So i beat you by 7 minutes :wahhey: I'm taking all I can from these victories until you're back to your old self :laugh:

You have 3 months! Though if you contytom improve it may take me a little longer.


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
You have 3 months! Though if you contytom improve it may take me a little longer.

Contytom :laugh:

“Continue to”


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
You have 3 months! Though if you contytom improve it may take me a little longer.
You'll be back, don't worry, but until then I'll be reveling in the glory :wahhey:

Even if I get down to my target weight of low 70's, and keep my current power, you'll be beating me again once you're at full fitness. Keep working mate, but don't push it too far too soon. I'll still be there to beat in 3 months time :okay:


GCN's Ex Pro presenter Dan Lloyd having retired from cycling 10 yrs ago and only done 600 miles last year, decided on Sufferfest 4 D workout test and 10 week fitness builder starting tomorrow.

He was able to hold 300W for 4 hours as a Pro , but now can just muster 5 mins at 309W. His 20min test 244W. He currently weighs 76kg

Given he is an Ex Pro and only just 40 yrs old, it will interesting to see if 4 hours a week of bike training will restore the majority of his professional abilities.

The coach (who help trains Rohan Denis) reckons maybe 10% is a good improvement, Dan wants 20% which equals 300W 20 min ftp test:eek:


Bob, and anyone else who has had a long layoff, this will be interesting to follow. I know my ftp number dropped by 90W from a month off:ohmy:

Really interested to see how this goes. Even with all the ebike things he does I was surprised just how far he had dropped his ftp, but then again they do an ftp test after a lot of different tests. could be tempted the to try a 4tp test.

Missed stage 2 in the end yesterday. Itching to ride around 530/6 if anyone is racing?


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Really interested to see how this goes. Even with all the ebike things he does I was surprised just how far he had dropped his ftp, but then again they do an ftp test after a lot of different tests. could be tempted the to try a 4tp test.

Missed stage 2 in the end yesterday. Itching to ride around 530/6 if anyone is racing?

You can sign up for free for a week and do the test at the end of the week. They pretty much insist on a very strict build up over the week so that you are refreshed but the muscles triggered to do the test itself. There is an excellent FB page for Sufferfest and a separate one to follow Dan and join in if you want.


A club mate was a ex elite continental team rider. He stopped that 10 years ago, only doing a few club rides a year but fell out of live with cycling a few years ago and moved to running. He returned late last year, did a few club rides then started on the hill climb season.

He started to target local climbs and quickly got a load of Strava KoMs, he was placing top 3 on the local hill climb events.

So when someone with a bit of talent puts the effort in, it all comes back pretty quickly, much quicker than those of us without talent.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Really interested to see how this goes. Even with all the ebike things he does I was surprised just how far he had dropped his ftp, but then again they do an ftp test after a lot of different tests. could be tempted the to try a 4tp test.

Missed stage 2 in the end yesterday. Itching to ride around 530/6 if anyone is racing?
Resting today. Will have a pootle ride tomorrow then planning stage 3 on Wednesday at 18:00. Stage 3 is Keith Hill so one for the featherweights, could hurt me a lot :B)
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