Your Past Schoolteachers - nicknames & memories.

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
Photo Winner
We had a PE teacher called Mike Burton. He started the basketball team Ellesmere Port Jets, that morphed into the Chester Jets.

We used to know him as Picky as 9 times out of 10 he would be rooting his finger up his arse.

My mum knew him socially, but she used to refer to him as Picky to me.


In the last year of juniors we had Mr Watkins, very fond of spanking kids.

He once grabbed me by the wrist and lifted me off my feet to spank me as hard as he could before dropping me back on the floor, some lads cried after it but I was always determined to keep a straight face to spite him.

I'd love to meet him again now that we're both the same size.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
We had a music teacher that I suspect went into school music teaching as Cathedral Organist wasn't a career option, just a hobby. Not dangerous, but really should have chosen a career option that didn't involve teenage children. He was called Mr White.

In my naivety, I was persuaded that he had a PhD, but didn't like to boast about it, so kept "Mr" as his address. Even persuaded my (similarly naive) Mum who insisted on calling him Dr White to his face.


Just had a quick check on Google, and nothing relevant pops up, so I think you need to be of a certain age to understand why it was embarrassing for my Mum to call him that in front of his face.
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Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Come to think of it, I haven't seen any Dr White's sanitary products for some time... Mind you, this girl uses reuasbles, so I'm not exactly a reliable source :laugh:

Good to hear, although I wouldn't have expected any less from you.

My wife went reusable some time ago. Not under any pressure from me, in case anyone wants to accuse me of misogyny.


Legendary Member
Come to think of it, I haven't seen any Dr White's sanitary products for some time... Mind you, this girl uses reuasbles, so I'm not exactly a reliable source :laugh:

I read that as "rechargeables", which made me blink! :laugh:

Chief Broom

No nickname but i do remember one exceptional teacher- George Hall. It was late infants or early junior [cant remember] he would read 'The wind in the willows' at the end of the day. Total silence in the classroom and we hung on his every word, when the bell went instead of the usual rush for the door there was a sigh of disappointment that he couldnt continue ^_^


Legendary Member
Not many of ours had nicknames, but I remember a few

"Walrus", the 2nd deputy head, no idea why 😂


And Butto, our very Welsh exceptionally good and enthusiastic head of biology. I heard via a friend whose dad knew him later as an HMI that he was known as Butto professionaly too. Obviously us kids would still call him Mr Evans to his face.

Our woodwork teacher was Basher, presumably because he bashed bits of wood together, as he didn't hit us kids particularly, and was only averagely strict.

Heard years later that one of our physics teachers was on HMS Amethyst during the Yangtze incident and our master of sarcasm, cynical history teacher had supposedly been a Spitfire pilot during the War.

To be fair most of our teachers were OK, and at worst a bit cynical and serving out their time. Quite a few were exceptionally good, particularly those I had in the sixth form. My A levelphysics teacher particularly was inspiring and he'd really stretch our understanding with tricky questions (philosophical thought experiments rather than merely complex). In retrospect this might have been unhelpful for those who might have been struggling or not doing maths as well but it really helped stretch my understanding as someone who was (then) very good and maths and physics.

As time goes on, most of these are no longer with us, even the then younger ones, not helped by many being heavy smokers. I remember the huge wafts of smoke which would emerge from the staffroom if you had to knock on the door for an errand
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Not many of ours had nicknames, but I remember a few

"Walrus", the 2nd deputy head, no idea why 😂

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And Butto, our very Welsh exceptionally good and enthusiastic head of biology. I heard via a friend whose dad knew him later as an HMI that he was known as Butto professionaly too. Obviously us kids would still call him Mr Evans to his face.

Our woodwork teacher was Basher, presumably because he bashed bits of wood together, as he didn't hit us kids particularly, and was only averagely strict.

Heard years later that one of our physics teachers was on HMS Amethyst during the Yangtze incident and our master of sarcasm, cynical history teacher had supposedly been a Spitfire pilot during the War.

To be fair most of our teachers were OK, and at worst a bit cynical and serving out their time. Quite a few were exceptionally good, particularly those I had in the sixth form. My physics teacher particularly was inspiring and he'd really stretch our understanding with tricky questions (philosophical thought experiments rather than merely complex). In retrospect this might have been unhelpful for those who might have been struggling or not doing maths as well but it really helped stretch my understanding as someone who was (then) very good and maths and physics.

As time goes on, most of these are no longer with us, even the then younger ones, not helped by many being heavy smokers. I remember the huge wafts of smoke which would emerge from the staffroom if you had to knock on the door for an errand

I dunno, he's a dead ringer for Ken "chopper" Tyrrell!


Devotee of OCD
‘Woman fingers’: was the Classes name for our Form Teacher in Middle School. Behind his back anyway. The dude just had long slender fingers. And long fingernails…..

Turned out he was a guitar player 🤦‍♂️


All at sea⛵
Sneaky Lloyd, deputy head and in charge of discipline delivery
Archibald Sinclair, the head and senior psycho.

Hughes "the wart", physics
Chunky Martin, Physics, after St Martin chunky marmalade. He was chunky
Noddy Hall, biology. He was just a Noddy, looked awfully like Mr Bean
Neddy Martin, french and being a little shoot
Daj, D A Jones, English
RC, say it, R C Williams, economics went on to LSE early '60s guess his politics
Mekon, R C Williams, maths. Well he looked like a Mekon.
Impey, I got thrashed for hitting him in the face with a dap (plimsol). The guy I was aiming for ducked.
Herr Ings, German, "fishy"
Nora. Mrs Green, the school secretary. The ugliest woman in Wales, it suited the inmates model to think that she and Archibald were at it
Dewi Williams - English and off syllabus life skills, The Black Panther - way before the more notorious one.

Someone else out there must know the school
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