Your Past Schoolteachers - nicknames & memories.

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We had a Jaffa, but for completely different reasons. :laugh:


Physics teacher was just known as "Bast**d" because he was. Did his upmost to put as many off staying on and doing O- Levels as he could.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
My god we kids were cruel to the teachers. Colonel Newmarch was a retired military man and really too old for his maths teacher's job. We used to play him up something rotten, cut nudie pics out of Razzle and put them in his pocket. Put Swan Vestas into the board rubber which would erupt into flames when used.
Then there was this lady English teacher about 30 who was well liked as she used to push her boobs into your arm when she sat next to you.
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Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
One of the two PE teachers was nicknamed "Sweetie". That came about when a classmate was mucking about in the showers and the PE teacher threatened to go in the showers and drag him out, to which the classmate responded "Oooh sweetie!" The lad eventually came out and got caned for it, but the caning cemented the teacher's nickname, which spread to other classes as a result.

We had a male metalwork teacher nicknamed Blodwyn. Again that arose from our class. I can't remember how that started, but it stuck when he began driving to school in a yellow Ford van, with the registration BYV, which immediately became Blodwyn's Yellow Van.

At the first school at which my wife taught, one of her departmental colleagues was apparently known by the pupils as "Bullets", due to her sometimes very prominent nipples.


Legendary Member
I probably go back further than most as I left school in 1961.
History teacher was (to us) old. His name was Wooley and for some reason was know as Sheb Wooley.
I recall one lesson when he marched around the classroom singing "it's a long way to tiparary".
Favourite teacher was Dicky Davis. He gave me 6 of the best once and made my hands fault and I never held it against him.
We had one teacher called Draper who was hated. He was due to be our form master and we dreaded it. 1st day back after summer hols we were told that Mr Draper had died.....we were so happy
We had a French teacher (the language, not her nationality), when I was in the early years of secondary school

She looked like Kate Bush!
Sadly, I can barely remember a word of the language

Plus, an Australian maths teacher, who was named Bruce (honest!!)

Daughter had a Head Of PT, who was Aiden Ball, he used to tell the kids that his brother was in the clergy..... Canon Ball
(I knew him, his wife & sister, they were all in the same running club as me)
We had a French teacher (the language, not her nationality), when I was in the early years of secondary school

She looked like Kate Bush!
Sadly, I can barely remember a word of the language

Plus, an Australian maths teacher, who was named Bruce (honest!!)

Daughter had a Head Of PT, who was Aiden Ball, he used to tell the kids that his brother was in the clergy..... Canon Ball
(I knew him, his wife & sister, they were all in the same running club as me)

It is a well known fact that all Australians are called Bruce.
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