Your Past Schoolteachers - nicknames & memories.

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Heavy Metal Fan
I didn't make these up, nor did I use them. but some of the naughty kids had nicknames for the teachers:

Mrs Blobby (she was very overweight)
Mr Bean (he was very tall and thin and had a massive head, but didn't resemble Rowan Atkinson at all)
Bl0w J0b (his initials were B.J)

That's about all I can remember. We did have some ghastly teachers but most were either very nice, or very funny or both. There were also a few from the "old School" days who were pervy and awful at teaching. They didn't last long after I started. There was a rumour going around that many of the older teachers had had enough of the new blood so they left. But I think it was more to do with the fact that they couldn't get away with some of the things they were doing in the 70s


Legendary Member
G,day Bruce. :okay:


He says "hello".
When I was a teacher we had a group of trainees one year - one of them was an IT trainee so I got to know them quite well

One of them was from Alsace - the bit between France and Germany that they was some quarrelling about some time ago

He was French and his native language was French which was the subject he taught
complicated because he spoke with a German accent

Well - it may not be well know but teachers always want to know what the kids are calling them - and kids are not very subtle so it isn;t difficult to find out

I heard a group in my class saying they had Mario next
so - naturally I asked who on Earth they were talking about
it was the guy from Alsace
I asked why Mario

They thought the French teacher whose native language was French but spoke with a German accent - and BTW looked rather Germanic
was Italian

hence called him Mario

kids are dumb


Most of mine were good to average at teaching, and generally decent human beings. The two that stick in my mind are the French teacher who was the embodiment of the caricature depicted in the Molesworth books, and a temporary woodwork teacher who entertained us with his tales of working in an approved school, including intervening in lunchtime chisel fights.
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Chris S

Legendary Member
We had Mr Fox, or Old Filthy Pervert Fox, who'd come into the boys showers and whip us with towels. He was later to get locked up for under age unsavouryness.

Our PE teacher used to hang around the showers as well. About 5 years after I left he got sent to prison for indecently assaulting boys.

So did our music teacher. His replacement 'left' after he made a pass at a 16-year-old boy.

Our biology teacher also 'left' after photographic slides of naked boy pupils were found in his room. I googled his name recently and he was listed as a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange.

Chris S

Legendary Member
Crank - he was ex-army and used to tear military insignia off people's clothing because 'they had no right to wear it'. He also knocked somebody out of their seat with an upper-cut and once asked a class, "Why am I married to a coon?" (his wife was Trinidadian) He was absolutely barking!


I don't recall nicknames for any of our teachers, except Mr Le Good, who was known as Doogel.
Now I think about it, Mr Cox (PE) was known as Nobby, Mr Phillips as Pip. I saw someone of Facebook say that Mr Smith was known as Slug, but I never heard that one.
When I was a teacher in North Wales there were several Mr Evans's
Chemistry teacher Mr White was known as Diddy White to distinguish him from Mr White the headmaster, who was big and tall.
At the first school at which my wife taught, one of her departmental colleagues was apparently known by the pupils as "Bullets", due to her sometimes very prominent nipples.
A pupil once noted that a buxom teacher had "nipples like organ stops".
We did have a Chemistry teacher

Mr Hunt

known as Isaac

or Clive if a teacher might be in hearing

The Head - who was VERY strict - in the sense of being strict to the point where no-one ever needed to be punished because we were scared of doing anything - was universally knows by the name of a rather serious SDI
His wikipedia entry says that his discipline was sometimes referred to as Cromwellian - which seems a bit harsh on Cromwell!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
We had the deputy head known as 'whacker' Wearing because he wielded the cane. Physics teacher was Taffy because he's Welsh. Mr Clarke the English teacher was Catweazle because he had a vague resemblance to the kids TV character. History teacher was 'Billy' Bingham who bared no resemblance to the football manager, and quite cruelly there was Gammy, a maths teacher with polio. There was another maths teacher who was the spitting image of the then labour Michael Foot, but had no nickname.
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Junior Walker and the Allstars
We had Mr. Peanut the German teacher because of the shape of his head.
Also Catweazle the English teacher for the same reason as earlier in the thread.
Bobby the Maths teacher who looked like Bobby Charlton.
Miss Bowen known as Boeing 747 because of her rather attractive shape. (Think of the numbers in vertical terms.)
Lenin - I forget what he taught but again, resemblance.
Jesus - biology, ditto.
Haggerty the music mistress and Stolly, the headmaster Mr. Stevens. I have absolutely no idea why on those last two.
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