Your Past Schoolteachers - nicknames & memories.

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Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Our French teacher was a German , Mr Gross. Quite a nice old boy and was always using one boys name as it was German, Weyhaupt and pronouncing it very pointedly in the correct German way, Vihaupt.p

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Secondary school, from 1972 to 1977.

Headmaster Mr Bury - Batman
So called because he was alleged to have worn a black headmasters cape, many years before my 5 years started.

Biology teacher Mrs Evans - Frog Gob
So called because she supposedly moved her mouth and throat like a frog when she spoke.

Maths teacher, Mr Butterworth - Buttons
I think it was our year who called him that as it was supposedly quicker to say than Butterworth.

French and Italian teacher, Mr Metcalfe - Catweezle
Because he looked like him.

Drama teacher, Mr Powis - Bad Breath
Self explanatory

Art & design and maths teacher, Mrs Bartholomew - Porn Mag
Because she looked like a 1970's porn film actress.

I think that's it. There may be more, but most of the teachers were referred to by their surnames, without a Mr or Mrs in front.
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Kilometre nibbler
Offhand: The Pot (Chambers), Biffo (origin unknown), Drip (Waters), Bomber (Brown, not Harris as you might expect), LB (his initials), The Ghand (Resemblance to Ghandi)
We had a couple of others

Dusty (Mr Rhodes )
Rock - Mr Hudson
another VD reference for the Deputy Head - presumably due to being the deputy to the Head who had a worse VD reference

err - Daddy - Head of Junior School (First and Second years - most of their lessons were in a separate building at the top left corner of the school grounds)- there was a rumour that his nickname had been something "not nice" and he hated it - so one summer he went round the whole school and cleaned off all reference to the old nickname scribbled on anything and added loads of equivalent stuff calling him Daddy

that rang true as he was universally disliked for being strict but having all sorts of silly little rules that seemed to change all the time and made little sense
and the first thing he said in his annual address to the new kids said "there are no rules except common sense" - then the Second Year kids told you about all the little rules in the playground over the next few days

Oh - and there was Bat
Mr WeatherHead - Latin teacher
he always seemed to be in rather a daze - he always walked round with a pipe (didn;t smoke it in classes) and we developed a theory that he was a robot and the pipe was the radar dome for the guidance system so without it he would crash into things and loose his bearings
Always felt a bit sorry for him as he was not good as discipline - especially in cover lessons

but then he mostly taught First Year Latin

and 6th Form Latin and Greek

He was one of those teachers who had been at the school for many many years and we confidently predicted that once he retired then his death would be announced within another year or 2
That seemed to happen quite a bit at that school

Sadly we were right


I've just remembered that we had Colonel K (MR Smith) the maths teacher - so called because he bore an uncanny resemblance to the character from Danger Mouse.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
We had a music teacher that I suspect went into school music teaching as Cathedral Organist wasn't a career option, just a hobby. Not dangerous, but really should have chosen a career option that didn't involve teenage children. He was called Mr White.

In my naivety, I was persuaded that he had a PhD, but didn't like to boast about it, so kept "Mr" as his address. Even persuaded my (similarly naive) Mum who insisted on calling him Dr White to his face.


Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Seems like I missed out on a lot.
I went to a boys only school and all the teachers were male.
My Dad never told me anything about sex.
I feel I was deprived :sad:

I went to a mixed boys and girls school, with male and female teachers. The only sex 'education' we got was from porn mags a lad nicked from his parents newsagents and then brought them in to pass around the boys.:secret: Oh! and we liked looking at books in the school library by the Spanish artist Goya. :rolleyes:

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