What's the most disgusting thing you've eaten?

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Well-Known Member
Liver. Any kind of liver. Between the taste and the texture, that's "Oh **** no!"

I've eaten crawfish. Edible, but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again. Same for rattlesnake. And rabbit, for that matter. Though all the rabbit I've ever had was really greasy. Prepared differently, it might be okay. Same for gray squirrel. Venison is generally okay; it varies a lot according to what the deer were eating.

I've eaten horse. It used to be sold as a cheaper alternative to beef. I quite like horse; it's lean and has a nice flavor. Most people seem to want fatty meat, or at least the ranchers say that. I never liked fat and always cut it off. The US Government, in its demented wisdom, decided the proletariat should not consume horse meat. It's not *quite* illegal now, but so difficult and expensive to obtain it might as well be.

Where I live, lamb is not a thing. I saw one in a zoo when I was a kid, but they're not eaten here; at least, you can't buy lamb at a grocery store. You might be able to mail order it frozen. To my knowledge I've never eaten any.


South Wales
Liver. Any kind of liver. Between the taste and the texture, that's "Oh **** no!"

I've eaten crawfish. Edible, but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again. Same for rattlesnake. And rabbit, for that matter. Though all the rabbit I've ever had was really greasy. Prepared differently, it might be okay. Same for gray squirrel. Venison is generally okay; it varies a lot according to what the deer were eating.

I've eaten horse. It used to be sold as a cheaper alternative to beef. I quite like horse; it's lean and has a nice flavor. Most people seem to want fatty meat, or at least the ranchers say that. I never liked fat and always cut it off. The US Government, in its demented wisdom, decided the proletariat should not consume horse meat. It's not *quite* illegal now, but so difficult and expensive to obtain it might as well be.

Where I live, lamb is not a thing. I saw one in a zoo when I was a kid, but they're not eaten here; at least, you can't buy lamb at a grocery store. You might be able to mail order it frozen. To my knowledge I've never eaten any.

Rabbit certainly shouldn't be greasy. It is a very lean meat.


Kilometre nibbler
I had "bug cake" recently. It was a cake made with cricket flour garnished with edible insects. The cake itself was very pleasant. The insects - meh. I ate a few out of a sense of duty but they weren't exactly nice. Not unpleasant but really, I wasn't keen. And lets face it, they were insects.

Kawasaki Kid

West Midlands
Liver. Any kind of liver. Between the taste and the texture, that's "Oh **** no!"

I've eaten crawfish. Edible, but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again. Same for rattlesnake. And rabbit, for that matter. Though all the rabbit I've ever had was really greasy. Prepared differently, it might be okay. Same for gray squirrel. Venison is generally okay; it varies a lot according to what the deer were eating.

I've eaten horse. It used to be sold as a cheaper alternative to beef. I quite like horse; it's lean and has a nice flavor. Most people seem to want fatty meat, or at least the ranchers say that. I never liked fat and always cut it off. The US Government, in its demented wisdom, decided the proletariat should not consume horse meat. It's not *quite* illegal now, but so difficult and expensive to obtain it might as well be.

Where I live, lamb is not a thing. I saw one in a zoo when I was a kid, but they're not eaten here; at least, you can't buy lamb at a grocery store. You might be able to mail order it frozen. To my knowledge I've never eaten any.

Lamb is the best thng you can put into your mouth. Jersey mids ( little potatoes) mint sauce and plenty of thick dark gravy. Scruptiddlyumptious.
Chris S

Chris S

Legendary Member
Lamb is the best thng you can put into your mouth. Jersey mids ( little potatoes) mint sauce and plenty of thick dark gravy. Scruptiddlyumptious.

Lamb smells like pee.


Legendary Member
Really? I had some really lovely tasting Haggis last time I was in Edinburgh.

I'm part of a 4/year Malt Whisky group* - each year one of is does Haggis Neeps & Tatties - but one guy hates haggis so does not partake. A couple of year ago, I did Haggies Neeps & Tatties Dauphinoise - even he relented and ate some!

*They have been meeting for 40 years, I'm a 5 year newcomer.
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