What TV comedy do you like?

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So many...
Harry Enfield and Chums
The Fast Show.
Armstrong and Miller.
Most of that era comedy sketch stuff was fabulous.
The Young Ones.
The Office I genuinely liked, it wasn't so much David Brent, it was often the mundane yet comical interactions between the rest of the staff.
Rab C Nesbitt I would be gutted if I missed one, remember those days when you got one chance to see an episode ?
So much great comedy from the 70s, too much to mention really...


The Young Ones
The IT Crowd
Dear John
Only When I Laugh



Charming but somewhat feckless
Ricky Gervais loves animals and gives a lot of his money to help them. For that he has all my respect as a decent human being.

I’m sure he’s a fine human being, worthy of your respect and mine. However, I’m only referring to his comedic acting where he isn’t exactly multi-faceted.

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
No one has mentioned Spaced yet, so I'm going to say Spaced.

View: https://youtu.be/noSYUx69uaY?feature=shared

I actually used to watch this in the pub as we knew the Landlord and we'd put this on. I'm never annoyed they never did a series 3, never I promise. But if you watch the Spaced Collectors Edition box set, there is a extra scene you might like:okay:

Was going to mention this. Superb comedy, with hints to classic kids tv shows, and classic horror films (The Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead, An American Werewolf in London etc). Helps if your of a certain age..


Über Member
I think we may have a winner! Not utter crap, complete and utter crap. So crap I had completely forgotten about it!

Anyone want to top Sorry???

I was in the audience at an episode of 'Sorry' - It was interesting to see what occurred when a retake happened etc. Of note there was a 'warm-up comedian' who was in another comedy at the time. He was dreadful and didn't get a single laugh in 5 minutes (I can remember his name but it wouldn't be fair to tell ;) ). In desperation? after he had left the stage, Ronnie Corbett appeared and after less than 10 seconds the place was in uproar - the true class he displayed was apparent, he was in an entirely different league!


Über Member
I have almost fallen off the chair when watching Rab C, but my Wife can't stand it - I sometimes can't understand what Rab is saying :blush:. How about 'Watching' a gentle little comedy (similar to Detectorists in a way) set around the Wirral. Another comedy not yet mentioned (introduced to us by our daughter) is 'Miranda' which is a lot of slapstick and has some hilarious moments.


Heavy Metal Fan
I quite liked Miranda, but she has got a lot of stick for apparently not being very funny.

I started watching the Thin Blue Line the other day (Rowan Atkinson). I found it hilarious when it came out, but now it seems very dated. I guess some comedies are timeless and others have their place when new but do not age well


Kilometre nibbler
I quite liked Miranda, but she has got a lot of stick for apparently not being very funny.

I'm not a great telly watcher these days and I never saw a lot of the ones mentioned (IT Crowd, Gavin & Stacey, Peep show etc)

However I do remember seeing a couple of episodes of Miranda and finding it really funny. But I guess that kind of slapstick/embarrassment humour could wear out quite quickly so maybe I did well to see only a couple.

I liked Catherine Tait. Especially Nan.

Vic & Bob too


Heavy Metal Fan
Oh yes CAtherine Tate is brilliant. I've not seen the Nan film but almost don't want to in case it ruins it.

I was a big fan of Little Britain when it came out. Some very British off-the-wall humour. Vicky Pollard is brilliant, and the (somewhat racist) lady at the fayre who vomits when she finds out her jam has been made my a POC
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Kilometre nibbler
I didn't know there was a Nan film. I was just referring to the character.

Little Britain didn't quite do it for me. I dunno, there were funny bits but it all felt a bit spread too thin. Maybe just me.
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