Tynan said:
plenty on here seem to think crossing the stopline is rlj, 'going through a red light should never be your standard way of dealing with any junction' - I don;t consider what that cyclist did as 'going through a red light', as best that's ambiguous language
Ambiguous? He went through the red light. The red light means stop behind the white line. He didn't. The term used for crossing the white line when the light is red is red light jumping. There is nothing ambiguous about that language.
discussing cycling and judging it as wrong based on personal values is far from the same thing, this is everyone's forum not yours
You'll note that it wasn't me complaining about other people making comments. It was you. It would appear that you're all in favour of people saying what they want as long as it doesn't contradict your views :?:
As for 'personal values', rubbish. Really. I've put forward my view based on reasoning, not values. I've said that the bloke in that video is a terrible example and I've said
why. You, on the other hand, have not made a counter argument.
what gutter hugging? there's no gutter inside that truck, that's the right place to be if he's going ahead in my opinion, correct lane and out where the traffic can see him
Keep watching the video. He gets past the junction and keeps cycling more or less on the outer one of the two yellow lines. Gutter hugging.
As for whether out ahead is a good place to be, why? I mean, if all you're going to do is assume a sub-secondary position, thus encouraging that traffic you've passed to overtake you dangerously close, how have you possibly made your journey safer? Would he not have been better waiting somewhere more like where Magnatom was?
likewise how close he was or wasn't to that truck, blind side as viewed and he'd have had plenty of room inside that truck, plus the truck had a car in front of it, it wasn't going anywhere
Except of course that the truck did go somewhere. Seems rather brazen, although I do accept that because we can't see him start that manoevre we can't really make any bold statements about it. But of course, I've already said that...