Tynan said:gutter hugging isn't relevant when you're all on your ownsome, knowing that nothing is coming up behind you
Crackle said:Quick question, well two.
First, who was beeping in that clip as you took off when the lights changed?
Second. In that clip you are obviously keeping up with the traffic, so in fact it almost doesn't matter where you are on the road. If it's not so busy though, perhaps dark, would you still take primary on that road or move to secondary?
gambatte said:Still, he wasn't on his ownsome, with nothing behind him and those painted lines are notorious for suddenly becoming slippy....![]()
mrben said:Just to make things really annoying, when you're going north in the right hand lane, as soon as you get over the junction, you hit the back of the queue for Morrisons, which has a filter at the next light, but a woefully inadequate filter lane. It all gets a bit gnarly.... I can imagine cycling through it would be a tricky manoeuvre.
Tynan said:...at that speeds going in a straight line....
Tynan said:this is another huge thread of some very unremarkable cycling for me
we need better material
Tynan said:only 1980? sounds like 1880, we're getting so old so fast
as for better material, enjoy yourself magna, once I'm filming, your stuff's gonna look like old ladies playing crib
for that matter ...
gambatte said:Still, he wasn't on his ownsome, with nothing behind him and those painted lines are notorious for suddenly becoming slippy....![]()
magnatom said:The two lanes at the left only begin about 20 meters back. It is a filter left lane. If he used one of them he would have had to swerve into it and back out of it. I doubt very much that he did that. Also if you look very closely on the video at where his wheels are as he passes the lorry I would estimate that he is within 1m of the lorry and going straight rather than swerving.
Crackle said:Hah! get this. Curious I thumbed back through my 'All new Complete Book of Bicycling' by Eugene A Sloane, 3rd Edition 1980. This the how to ride safely chapter (it's American so he's on the right)
"On a bike you are not the same size as a car. Don't ride as if you were. Most drivers fail to see anything smaller than a car on the road, because they are not used to looking for anything smaller. .............elderley drivers are considered to be dangerous to cyclists. They often have poor vision, poor depth perception, confused colour discrimination, slow reflexes and they are frequently terrible drivers to begin with."
There's also some class advice on junctions as well. He also advices not to drive on streets without parking as you'll get squeezed out. He recommends streets with parking because by law drivers have to leave a 30" gap to the parked car which a cyclist can take advantage ofHe recommends learning to ride in a very straight line
Crackle said:What all the time anywhere, or are you qualifying that?
Sorry if you are riding in primary at 15/20 mph down a 60mph dual carriageway, you're a plonker (yes I remeber that oft quoted case - the guy was a plonker). If you are riding in primary in traffic doing a similiar speed to you, no issues.