Just looking at the clip again Magnatom...
You have the lorry to your left.
To the left of the lorry are two lanes..i assume of course or traffic turning left. Those two lanes have come from somewhere....perhaps he came from that side.
Is it possible the guy came from the left and crossed those two lanes to get to the traffic lights..so didnt strictly ride alongside the lorry. Does that make sense ?
A possibility..we may never know.
The riders actions are not correct according to laid down recommendations...but we all find a way of riding that suits our abilities, inabilities, confidence and 'fear'
Passing the reds...no big deal IMO, so long as its not pure RLJing.
Riding right up to the crossing traffic...naughty. He could easily spook one of those drivers.
Riding too close to the yellow lines...no big deal IMO. The yellows are at the edge of the drains, which are approx 300mm wide. He appears to be riding just beyond the yellows, so say 350 to 400mm from the kerb.
In all the years ive been cycling ive had less problems at that distance than riding ..say 500mm from the kerb.
At that point, you can start causing problems
for the traffic, and i find they will frequently try to squeeze through an even smaller gap...ergo...more danger to me.
Dont get me wrong, ive had close encounters my way...a few. But when you assume a more positive position and a car (or worse, van or lorry) squeezes even more closely to you...its even more daunting and dangerous IMO.
Good practice is fine IF EVERY motorist allows you to do so. The trouble is, they frequently dont. So we all find a way that works in our own experience.
FWIW, i'm 49 years old. Ive been riding for some 35 years on the roads, but have only taken it seriously for the last 6 years or so. Ive learned a lot in those 6 years, (although some of you may think otherwise

) At that point i started to consider myself a cyclist, enthusiast..whatever. You start to ride more, learn more, analyse situations more seriously.
Up until that point, i was just a bloke on a bike..pretty much like the guy in the clip. Didnt know..didnt care much either.