Was this cyclist bad?

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I would never try to tell someone like yourself how to cycle. In fact I would never tell anyone how to cycle. All I can do is advise others of what I see as dangerous. When informed people are more than capable of making decisions for themselves. You are well informed, and you make your choices based on experience and knowledge. I can't hope for more than that. However, as I am sure you are aware, there are a lot of cyclists who are ignorant of some very important safety issues with regards to cycling.

Posting these videos leads to debate, and usually amongst those who know a fair amount about what they are taking about. That is exactly what I want. Hopefully less experienced cyclists will read these threads and learn a thing or two, maybe not from me but that doesn't matter. Hopefully they will start thinking more carefully about the situations that we highlight, and maybe one day someone will make a decision based on what is said here that might save a life.

Thats why I post the videos and that is why I want them to be debated. No one would read these threads if everyone patted me on the back and said 'here, here'!

Of course maybe no-one else reads these threads and it just us sad safety freaks that read them ;)


Taking the biscuit
Reasonably happy safety freaks, surely?
We're almost all in one piece 'aint we?

T x

When out on my trike at dusk or at night my appearence has been likened to that of a cross between a Christmas tree and a mobile disco, something I would have died of shame for doing 20 years ago! Needs must.


tdr1nka said:
Reasonably happy safety freaks, surely?
We're almost all in one piece 'aint we?

T x

When out on my trike at dusk or at night my appearence has been likened to that of a cross between a Christmas tree and a mobile disco, something I would have died of shame for doing 20 years ago! Needs must.

My miley at the end seems to have disappeared. I've been having problems with them today ;):ohmy:

(Edit: Those worked!)


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
BentMikey said:
If you're talking about Daniel Cadden, then again, you're utterly wrong. John Franklin described his cyclecraft as absolutely perfect on that road, and he was overtaken by those motorists as he should have been.

Ummn, correction. They shouldn't have been overtaking him as he was doing more than 10mph and they had a double solid white line. What I really meant is that his road positioning caused them to overtake him safely for him. It's only the stupid police who pulled him for cycling legally, instead of the drivers for overtaking illegally.


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
gbb said:
Sorry, but i cant agree based on my experiences. As stated, cycling for 35 years, often in the same position as this guy...i have NEVER slipped, skidded or anything else when riding that position.
Now i have slipped on manhole covers, but only when banking the bike round a corner.....
I should say, i dont generally ride ON the lines, rather just to the right of them. Inevitably, this means at times i will pass onto the lines and off them. But i have never had a problem.
I wouldnt recommend it for an inexperienced cyclist...but.

I've felt loss of traction with a motorbike, due to a painted section of road.

I'll stick with the CTC advice
BentMikey said:
Ummn, correction. They shouldn't have been overtaking him as he was doing more than 10mph and they had a double solid white line. What I really meant is that his road positioning caused them to overtake him safely for him. It's only the stupid police who pulled him for cycling legally, instead of the drivers for overtaking illegally.

It was him I was thinking of but I remembered the circumstances entirely differently, perhaps I'm mixing two seperate things up ;) I'll just nip off and do some googlin'.
Crackle said:
It was him I was thinking of but I remembered the circumstances entirely differently, perhaps I'm mixing two seperate things up ;) I'll just nip off and do some googlin'.

Blimey! gettin' to be a habit on this thread. I retract my reference to Mr Cadden on the grounds I have a poor memory. I shall modify my previous statement to read:-

Sorry if you are riding in primary at 15/20 mph down a 60mph dual carriageway, you're a plonker. If you are riding in primary in traffic doing a similiar speed to you, no issues.

And further qualify by admitting, in a tired, resigned kinda way, that there may be occasions when all of the above doesn't apply and it's absolutely useless to make sweeping generalisations!


surely the main reason of stupidity behind jumping the lights but then still stopping, is that you then CAN'T SEE the lights.. ;) duhhh.... i've seen motons do this and had to bang on their back window when they change to green.
looks like that didn't happen here but still no point in doing it.


magnatom said:

I would never try to tell someone like yourself how to cycle. In fact I would never tell anyone how to cycle. All I can do is advise others of what I see as dangerous. When informed people are more than capable of making decisions for themselves. You are well informed, and you make your choices based on experience and knowledge. I can't hope for more than that. However, as I am sure you are aware, there are a lot of cyclists who are ignorant of some very important safety issues with regards to cycling.

Posting these videos leads to debate, and usually amongst those who know a fair amount about what they are taking about. That is exactly what I want. Hopefully less experienced cyclists will read these threads and learn a thing or two, maybe not from me but that doesn't matter. Hopefully they will start thinking more carefully about the situations that we highlight, and maybe one day someone will make a decision based on what is said here that might save a life.

Thats why I post the videos and that is why I want them to be debated. No one would read these threads if everyone patted me on the back and said 'here, here'!

Of course maybe no-one else reads these threads and it just us sad safety freaks that read them :ohmy:

I agree Magnatom...and have said on several occasions (realising that novices may be reading) that the methods you suggest are undoubtedly the best tactics (on paper...and often in the real world)
The trouble is, as soon as reality takes hold, and each of us are faced with different experiences and situations...we deviate to find a way more suited to those experiences.
Please dont (and i know you wont ;)) stop giving advise and opening debate..discussion is fine :ohmy:


Reference the RLJing ?

RLJing comes in two different forms.
Those that pass a red and carry straight on.
Those that pass a red and wait at the front (in the belief that you then have a clear and safer place to start from...i assume)

I still have a problem of whether motorists give a damn if you do or dont on the second variety.
We had this discussion a couple months ago. I have never heard or seen a car driver get irate at this action. Ive never heard anyone mention it in conversation around lunch tables or anywhere else for that matter. Does this indicate that, actually, 99% of drivers dont really see it as a problem ?

I used to RLJ in the second fashion regularly, but its occured to me i dont actually do it much at all now....i feel i have the strength and confidence to take my place in traffic more than i ever used to.


Crackle said:
"On a bike you are not the same size as a car. Don't ride as if you were. Most drivers fail to see anything smaller than a car on the road, because they are not used to looking for anything smaller. .............elderley drivers are considered to be dangerous to cyclists. They often have poor vision, poor depth perception, confused colour discrimination, slow reflexes and they are frequently terrible drivers to begin with." ;):ohmy:
Maybe that was true in 1980. Most Americans are the size of a car these days.
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