True Facts About Chris Rea

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Priest of the cult of Chris Rea
Leafy Surrey
Chris Rea is Red-Amber-Green colour blind

But he can see ultra violet and microwave frequencies.

Although due to his synesthesia, he says 5G mobile signals taste like brussels sprouts.


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea invented the garden gnome.

All of his many employees and advisors are Gnomes, at least to Chris. When in company with Chris, the "real" employee has to represent the nominated gnome, who is also present. For instance a meeting with his accountant may go as follows:

Chris: Mr Grumble, how do the recent budget announcements affect my tax liability?
Accountant: Hold on a moment, I'll ask him. (Accountant holds his ear to the gnome's mouth momentarily)
Accountant: Mr Grumble says that the changes in Corporation Tax mean that you should shift emphasis ...

It's the same for all of his employees and advisors, and any deviation from protocol will result in dismissal by the gnome in question ("Mr Grumble says you're fired. I'm sorry, it's out of my hands"). This is tolerated because Chris is a very understanding and generous employer and treats his gnomes and their assistants very well.


Priest of the cult of Chris Rea
Leafy Surrey
Chris Rea's business success is at least partly due to horrendous exploitation of his gnome workforce.

He developed his business plan largely from reading "The Elves and the Shoemaker"; his bible of business acumen.

Those are just two reasons why Chris Rea won't appear alongside Peter Jones as a dragon anytime soon.


Priest of the cult of Chris Rea
Leafy Surrey
The friendships between Chris Rea, Roald Dahl, J.R.R Tolkien and H.G. Wells transcend the normal barriers of time (and plausibility), but commonalities between Gnomes, Oompa Loompas, Hobbits and Moorlocks can't be ignored.


Legendary Member
Chris Rea is infact a dwarf, but during one ill judged jaunt though the space-time continuum in the TURDIS she was spaghettified by a stray gravity field.


Chris Rea is so vain that he regularly travels the underground and peers over people's shoulders at their phones to see how popular this thread is.


West Yorks
August 22nd to 23rd 1914, The Turdis appeared over Mons in Belgium, Chris Rea was researching the early stages of WW1, after appearing over the Germans, the auberge field backfired and Chris stumbled hit the light switch, illuminating the area with his B&Q LED security lights fitted to the top of the Turdis, then fell out of the door held by his harness & lanyard, but managing to stand at the edge of the door, waving his arms, this also caused several thousand medieval arrows to fall out that he had picked up from an earlier visit to Agincourt, however the arrows killed thousands of German Troops, who were cowering below what they thought was an Angel shouting some sort of indecipherable English, the English Troops believed they had been saved by an Angel accompanied by hordes of English longbow men from the battle of Agincourt, the story still persists to today, luckily Chris was able to get back into the Turdis and reset the controls whilst mayhem and confusion were in full swing
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