The Retirement Thread

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Had to go to the pharmacy this morning to take back some out of date medicines and used up inhalers

Got there and there were 2 people waiting - one clearly being server but waiting for the assistant to find her stuff
the other just waiting

so - natually - I jsut formed a loose queue behind her
anotehr couple came in and just stoof near rye counter but not close to it - which is normal in this place - everyone knows where they are and takes their turn

Anyway - a tall bloke came on - walking with a limp but not looking to have trouble walking or anything
anyway - he goes directly up to the counters and asks the person in front of me
"Are you just waiting for a prescription?" - she says yes
he turns to the otehr couple and asks then
then looks at me and I say "no" - it is none of his business what anyone is there for!!1

anyway - he says "because I am her to actually buy something" and leans on the counter and slightly forward - a sort of dominating move so he is fruther forward - and as he is tell - above everyone

anyway - what???

so the assistant comes back and give the lady her stuff and comes to the lady in front of me - the bloke starts to say something but she serves the lady anyway

goes off to look for the stuff - turns out the doc hasn;t sent it yet
so she asks shi is next - thebloke starts up "I just need..."
and I step up and tell her what I was there for - leading to a short conversation - stuff like needles and controlled drugs - and the bloke is looking daggers at me

All my stuff is taken and I walk out

people like that REALLY annoy me - my stuff is more important than anyone else so I go first unless you interrupt me and I have a right to know what you are here for so I can judge it!

ignorant git

seemed like the kind of bloke who would not have done that if a taller bloke was there - but as it was just "some women" and me - he felt he could

very annoying
and then when I got back to the car I clobbered my shin on part of the frame
THAT was his fault to!!!



Leg End Member
Had to go to the pharmacy this morning to take back some out of date medicines and used up inhalers

Got there and there were 2 people waiting - one clearly being server but waiting for the assistant to find her stuff
the other just waiting

so - natually - I jsut formed a loose queue behind her
anotehr couple came in and just stoof near rye counter but not close to it - which is normal in this place - everyone knows where they are and takes their turn

Anyway - a tall bloke came on - walking with a limp but not looking to have trouble walking or anything
anyway - he goes directly up to the counters and asks the person in front of me
"Are you just waiting for a prescription?" - she says yes
he turns to the otehr couple and asks then
then looks at me and I say "no" - it is none of his business what anyone is there for!!1

anyway - he says "because I am her to actually buy something" and leans on the counter and slightly forward - a sort of dominating move so he is fruther forward - and as he is tell - above everyone

anyway - what???

so the assistant comes back and give the lady her stuff and comes to the lady in front of me - the bloke starts to say something but she serves the lady anyway

goes off to look for the stuff - turns out the doc hasn;t sent it yet
so she asks shi is next - thebloke starts up "I just need..."
and I step up and tell her what I was there for - leading to a short conversation - stuff like needles and controlled drugs - and the bloke is looking daggers at me

All my stuff is taken and I walk out

people like that REALLY annoy me - my stuff is more important than anyone else so I go first unless you interrupt me and I have a right to know what you are here for so I can judge it!

ignorant git

seemed like the kind of bloke who would not have done that if a taller bloke was there - but as it was just "some women" and me - he felt he could

very annoying
and then when I got back to the car I clobbered my shin on part of the frame
THAT was his fault to!!!

I've actually said worse than that to someone who just sauntered up to the counter as I waited. The pharmacist was talking to someone else about their medication, so I stepped back to give them a bit of privacy rather than standing too close. They knew I were there, so why try to rush them.
The aisle just went quiet, with a few looking in our direction. Whether it was what I'd said, or the fact that there were now a number of people looking at us that made her shut up and wait I don't know.

Besides, not all prescriptions are free.


Leg End Member
What about the rest?

Which where, when?
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