The Retirement Thread

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Good morning all, bright but very blustery here.
Ok - so it is Monday and teh kitchen people are back

Mostly done now - just the last of the tiling to finish and the radiator
then the tiles all need grouting
I am hoping they will be finished tomorrow as the younger 2 grand kids are staying overnight Tuesday and having asll the doors open will encourage "little hands!!!"

As they were no here yesterday SWMBO wanted to get all the cupboards cleaned

to me that means allocating cupboards to her and me and up both egtting on with it
to her it means she does one while I stand there and watch - then I do one that she can;t do while she gives instructions - about how to wipe a cupboard with a soapy cloth!!

I am not good at standing around doing f*** all!!!!

Anyway - most cupboards are now cleaned out and a lot of stuff put back - plus a load of other stuff in the car ready to go to the charity shop
(or tip!)


Leg End Member
Tablets taken and bloods given.
Four hour gap seems an odd un.
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