From said person.. You can probrably work out who the hoofed one is.
Then there was that time when yesterday I saw one of my amigos post some football bollockery on his Facebook page claiming that Aston Villa honoured legendary supporter Ozzy Osbourne with a huge tifo display ahead of their UEFA Champions League match against Scottish Champions Celtic last Wednesday. F*** me, in ALL of my time spent in Ozzy’s company NOT ONCE was football EVER mentioned, never mind farkin’ Aston Villa. Aston itself would most definitely always be spoken about with great reverence, but Aston Villa, no f*****’ way! Now, I may be wrong, maybe Ozzy is a Villa fan, and if so I sincerely apologise. However in my humble opinion the man who did f*****’ talk about them, support them, F*****’ LOVED THEM UNCONDITIONALLY!!! Was Geezer Butler!!! That tifo display should most DEFINITELY be for farkin’ Geezer! To me, this just stinks of the hoofed ones plans for one last farkin’ Ozzy performance at his birthplace, which, don’t get me wrong, is a great idea and I’d LOVE to see! But AT LEAST 25 years ago when he could still walk/jog around the stage with some dignity. Strapping him to a farkin’ pole, and we’re not talking Pope John Paul II, raising him onstage through a f****** trapdoor and dressing him in something similar to the Laura Ashley dresses that she who cannot be named wore in the 80s, but now recreated in black leather, and then getting every farker and his dog to get up and perform Sabbath/Ozzy songs, culminating in two or three songs with the ORIGINAL members of Black Sabbath. Actually now I think about it, it does sound like A F*****’ GREAT IDEA!!!! However it should still be farkin’ Geezer on that banner. What I also question, is who got f*****’ paid to use that image of Ozzy, because it certainly won’t be Mick Hutson, the guy that took it, as he sadly took his own life almost 2 years ago…sigh